Cute! I can do that!
Word of the Day
Blithwapping - Using anything but a hammer to hammer a nail into the wall, such as shoes, lamp bases, doorstops, etc.
Fairy Ring Mushrooms. Yes, there is such a thing and yes, they are edible. Careful! They have to be genuine fairy ring mushrooms growing in a ring or semi-ring...in your lawn. After our last bits of rain, the fairy ring mushrooms have decided to appear yet again. I harvested some to fry up with garlic today to go with the steaks that I grilled for lunch. Wonderful! I've done this before and yet, HTP is still waiting to see if I and my parents go into a psychedelic drug craze...or drop dead. Not happening. I tried to reassure him but he refused even a taste. His only comment was, "I won't be able to load all of you into the SUV if I have to take you all to the hospital." Actually, there weren't all that many this year. Not enough rain. Good thing HTP decided not to risk a taste.
My folks came over for lunch. (Steak on the grill and "poison" mushrooms) They've got a new phone number to remember now. Cell phone. They lost the use of their last cell phone due to...attrition from out-dated technology? Actually, so did we. All that AT&T to Cingular and back to AT&T digital vs. analog technology stuff. Anyway, they'll get their new phone next week sometime. Alltel, U-Pay...pay as you go. Love it. I haven't even used half of the initial minutes that I purchased and have had my phone since Christmas...granted that I don't use my cell phone all that much. I use it for emergencies. Emergencies...with a capital "E". OK...I use it for convenience too but I don't stay parked on the thing, chatting away for hours on end. I use my land-line for that sort of verbal rambling. If I wasn't paying for two land-lines, I wouldn't mind getting a regular cell phone with a monthly (two-three year contract) payment plan. Unfortunately, I can't ditch the land-lines. So...U-Pay is, so far, the way to go for HTP and me.
Murphyism of the Day
Clive's Rebuttal to Walker's Law
If it's clean, it isn't laundry.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. -- Mother Teresa
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