Me and HTP, Willie, and T-Square - September 1978
Word of the Day
Caffiend - One who is obsessed with consuming caffeine. Often surpasses caffeinatics in quantities of caffeine in the blood stream and in level of addiction.
I can do it! I did it! I made a diaper cake and it turned out cuter than the one in the picture. Well...I think it looks cuter. Ouch! I just broke my arm, patting myself on the back. Kidding. My arm if fine. The diaper cake I made looks fine too and far more personal than something you might be able to order on the internet. Once I figured out the instructions I'd printed off the internet, the instructions that were written in ENGLISH; and once I translated the measurements from metric to AMERICAN and nappies into diapers, I was good to go this morning. I didn't even need that third hand they recommended.
We shopped until HTP and I dropped yesterday. HTP decided that our car needed an oil change too so we all went into the city. Two cars. No gas saving. However, the price of gas has gone down to $3.19.9/gallon so let's all celebrate and buy gas guzzlers. (That's sarcasm...don'tcha know) I had no idea when we headed off that I'd end up taking part in a huge scavenger hunt. Rubberbands. Ribbon. Do you have any idea how many different types of disposable diapers there are these days?! And they come all different sizes too. And then all that other stuff that I needed for the cake and the games.... #1 Son gave us pitying looks as HTP and I limped stiffly back into the house after we got home. When did that happen? I think it's really a combination of things. Age has a bit to do with it but combine that with all our other outdoor activities, it's small wonder that a marathon shopping event might take whatever stuffing we had out of us. As I've said before, I feel so much better now that I've gone into denial.
Murphyism of the Day
F. P. Jones's Observation
Children are unpredictable. You never know what inconsistency they're going to catch you in next.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? -- Abraham Lincoln
How about a picture of the diaper cake?
Froggy, you still have that maternity frock hanging around? Bet DDD would looooooove it! LOL
When my youngest daughter was four years old, I got rid of everything maternity and baby related because Tom and I discussed it and we decided that we were happy with just having our two children. Hah! As soon as I sold off the last of the stuff...I got pregnant. LOL. Thank goodness for garage sales and consignment shops.
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