Black Bear on Blueberry Hill - Picture taken by #1 Son, June 2003
Word of the Day
Catjam - A situation in which one or more pet cats are blocked from moving to another location because they don't want to pass too closely to another cat.
If we don't get some rain soon, I'll have to start up on the sprinkler dance. I did water my vegetable garden and planned to start the sprinkler dance this morning but...I got side-tracked. There was this bush that my landscaper planted a long time ago. It had totally taken over more than its share of the garden. I decided enough was enough and tackled it with lopping shears and pruning shears. It looks a lot better now since I've pruned it into a small multi-trunked tree. The daylilies that share the same garden space will finally get there share of the sunlight. Before I started, you could hardly notice that there were daylilies in that garden. After madly doing a Edward Scissorhand imitation, I hauled all the debris off to the debris pile which is getting a bit large. Eventually, we'll have think about having a bonfire. Of course, we can't do that sort of thing until we get some rain.
I noted some chipmunks and some robins hovering around Blueberry Hill. I have some netting that I'll have to put around as many blueberry bushes as I have netting or I won't get even enough blueberries for one batch of blueberry muffins. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to start the sprinkler dance. I need to get the blueberry bushes covered first.
Murphyism of the Day
Fiske's Teenage Corollary to Parkinson's Law
The stomach expands to accommodate the amount of junk food available.
1 comment:
I got an inch plus hail yesterday between 6 and 8. No damage.
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