Our Home at The Lake - 2007
Word of the Day
Cellostatic - The electrical property of product wrappers that causes them to stick to your hand.
Thank goodness for air-conditioning. It isn't really all that hot, temperature-wise, but the heat combined with the humidity makes things feel a bit sticky today. Plus, I'm making a beef roast for supper and the oven heat adds to the whole. Normally I wouldn't cook a roast on a day like this but we've been having cravings. Meat!
Sis and I went to Step Two on our wine-making project. We've got three gallons of dandelion wine and three gallons of rhubarb wine brewing in huge tubs in my living room. I'd bring it down to the basement but our basement tends to stay too cool. If I need to clean house and make pretty, I'll haul the wine buckets down to the basement. They really aren't in the way where I've got them right now. Sis and I picked some of my currants. Two pounds of currants. I need two more pounds to start a batch of currant wine. I've got plenty of currants (still green) on my bushes in the backyard. I'll go out and pick the rest of the currants that I need for the currant wine in a few days.
In the meantime, Sis gave me some netting that she had so I could cover the rest of the blueberry bushes on Blueberry Hill. I did....despite the heat and humidity. Hopefully, the netting will discourage the chipmunks and the squirrels as much as the birds. I have Haveaheart traps but I haven't had the heart of the will to use them as yet. I'd have to deport anything I capture to the city park...twenty miles away...so they wouldn't just come back. Think of all the gas I'm saving by not setting the traps.
Murphyism of the Day
Austin's Law
Anything tastes better in someone else's house.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Obscurity is a good thing. You can fail in obscurity. It removes the fear of failure. -- Jason Fried
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