DD Daughter and HTP - Thanksgiving 2006
Word of the Day
Dopeler effect - 1. The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. 2. The tendency of ideas to seem smarter immediately before you say them, and thus branding you an idiot.
We're Home! Back in Arizona. My folks looked after my baby (Gypsy) while we were at Sam's Town. Sam's Town doesn't allow dogs. *sigh* I wish they'd change their minds on that issue. I really missed my puppy while we were there...though I knew that Gypsy was in good hands with my folks. However, I still couldn't help feeling a bit like a new Mom who was out on the town but worried constantly about how my baby was doing with the sitter. My folks said that Gypsy was a good house guest. I can't quite figure out why my Mom keeps calling Gypsy "Fudge Face". She just claims that "Fudge Face" doesn't look like a "Gypsy".
We enjoyed a wonderful Sam's Town Thanksgiving dinner at Billy Bob's. Everyone had turkey except me. I enjoyed prime rib and lobster tail. I figured that I'd be roasting a turkey when I got home with all the fixings and since I'm rather picky about my turkey and my dressing and all the fixings, I skipped Billy Bob's attempts. HTP tells me that the stuffing was sweet and that he really didn't like the flavor. They'd put apples in it. He wanted me to taste it. Why? Why do people always ask you to taste something that they obviously don't like? I skipped the taste. He didn't like the way that they made the sweet potatoes either. I promised him that I already have all the ingredients at home for his favorite Thanksgiving side dish. Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallow topping. I did order a baked sweet potato as my side at Billy Bob's. It came with a sprig of rosemary sticking out of it. One of the things I noticed about Billy Bob's is that they seem to stick rosemary sprigs in EVERYTHING! Stop it with the rosemary already! Blech! HTP made the comment that he's beginning to think they must have a whole garden of the stuff growing nearby. It wouldn't surprise me a bit. It's not that I don't like rosemary but I wish the chef there would figure out that a little goes a really long way.
HTP checked out a new website that promised an accurate accounting of traffic by The Dam. They promised us that there would be no waiting at The Dam. Hah! We sat in traffic for an hour waiting to cross that DAM! So much for the accuracy of that website. I figure that next crossing we'll detour through Laughlin...like I'd planned to do this time but HTP talked me out of it.
We arrived home just in time to hear that The Lake made national news. What?!
Wis. Hunter Stumbles Upon Black Bear, It Attacks
BIRCHWOOD, Wis. (WCCO) ― A Wisconsin deer hunter was in the woods with a large group of hunters when a black bear mauled him. The attack happened on Thursday near Birchwood, Wis.
"All of a sudden I see this black spot," said Jim Zemaitis, 40, who nearly became the main course for a bear. "Everybody in our group still can't believe it."
The group included 20 family members who hunt every Thanksgiving. This year, Zemaitis was driving the deer, meaning he was making noise to get them out of the woods so he was unarmed.
"Pretty soon I saw teeth.Then it reared up on his hind legs and charged me," said Zemaitis.
Witnesses estimate the angry bear was 300 pounds and about six feet tall on its hind legs. To demonstrate how he reacted to the bear attack, Zemaitis folded arms over his ears as he bowed his head.
"I you put your hands over your head and you keep screaming. Pretty soon I felt the bear on me and then chomp, chomp," he said.
Zemaitis had a hunting knife but everything happened so fast, he couldn't use it. All he could do was scream for help and thankfully Zemaitis' cousin, Rick, heard him.
"Coming up on somebody with a bear on their back, its kind-of a life changing event. Yeah, I was scared," said Rick Zemaitis.
Rick used his gun and fired at the bear but missed. The bear ran off after biting Zemaitis three times. His left shoulder and arm are covered with dark purple bruises. There are bandages over multiple puncture wounds on his shoulder.
Deer season ends with a family trophy presentation. Zemaitis thinks he's earned this year's award for the one that got away.
"Pretty thankful on Thanksgiving that's for sure," he said.
No one is sure why the bear attack. Zemaitis thinks the animal may have been hibernating and his walking nearby disturbed the bear.
He was treated at Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources went back to the area but did not locate the bear.
HTP is always afraid that I'm going to stumble across a bear while I'm out berry picking or hiking in the woods. This incident isn't going to help ease his concerns. I'm betting that this poor guy probably practically tripped over the bear as he was driving the deer. The bear was startled awake and scared. Not a good combination. There is reason and knowledge behind that old saying, "Let sleeping bears lie."
My thoughts are turning toward Christmas preparation now that we're home. The weather has cooled. Although the sun is shining, I donned one of my warmest sweaters this morning. Last night, we closed all the windows because it was getting just too cold for even me...even snuggled under the covers. However, I see no reason for turning on the furnace as yet. I've already been thinking about my annual Christmas letter. Now that HTP and I are empty-nesters (for the most part), I'm not quite sure how to continue this tradition. My children really should be starting to write their own Christmas letters and send out their own Christmas cards. This just may be the last year I write a all-encompassing Christmas letter. I'll still write my Christmas letters but it's getting harder and harder to update everyone on events that are occurring in our children's and now grand-child's lives. They should be starting to do this themselves. Fair warning. As soon as I get the Christmas letter all organized in my mind and onto the computer, I'll dig out the Christmas cards that I bought last year (after Christmas sale) and update my address label files. I'll go out and purchase Christmas stamps. Turn my Christmas music on so loud that the neighbors may complain. Sit at the kitchen table and get the Christmas cards ready to mail. Baking? Decorating? Yes, I'll do that too but I've got time...right?
Murphyism of the Day
Maugham's Observation
It is easier to give up good habits and bad ones.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this, that you are dreadfully like other people. - James Russell Lowell (1819 - 1891)
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