DD Daughter, HTP, MC Daughter and Me, Thanksgiving - 1981
Word of the Day
Docuphobia - The fear of using documentation, usually resulting from some previous traumatic event such as programming a VCR.
The transformation of the guest room/library/wine cellar into HTP's office/library/and possible wine cellar continues. At the rate that we're going, this could take months....only...we don't have months because #1 Son is coming home for Christmas and he's going to need to have a place to sleep. A guest room. I guess we'd better speed things up. I am determined to speed this process up even if I end up throwing my back out of whack. I've packed up four boxes of books. HTP and I moved one of the bookcases to its new location in the proposed HTP office. I've moved one whole bookcase of books to the newly relocated bookcase.
As for Thanksgiving grocery shopping, I bought two frozen turkeys. I couldn't resist since I had a couple of coupons for $2 off and this particular brand of turkey that the coupon covered was on sale for .47/lb at our local grocery store. I figure that I ended up paying .32/lb. Actually, knowing my Mom, she probably managed to get a cheaper turkey but I figure I got a really smokin' deal. Both turkeys are currently in my freezer. I think I'll probably use one for Christmas dinner....if I can't find a similar smokin' deal before than. Since HTP and I will be heading to Vegas next week where we plan to have a wonderful Thanksgiving feast at our favorite casino, we decided to hold off on making our own personal traditional Thanksgiving feast with meals and meals of yummy leftovers, until we get home. I may even put one of the turkeys in the refrigerator on the day that we leave so it'll be all thawed and ready for roasting when we get back.
Gypsy tore her stuffed turkey toy. *sigh* I took it away from her and plan to mend it so she'll be able to play with it again soon. Thankfully, Gypsy still has her stuffed duck to play with...though...I think it might be a goose. Shhhh....don't tell her....she thinks it's a duck. After hearing all about my sister's black lab's reception from the Canadian geese that were swimming by her lake home this Spring (what a stunning loss of face), I don't want to encourage a similar possible dangerous situation with my poor baby (who happens to be a lot smaller than a big black lab) thinking that all geese are as easily chomped on as her "duck". Actually, I sure hope that Gypsy doesn't think that she'll be able to attack real live turkeys in the same manner that she tore apart her toy turkey. Her toy turkey is only about the size of a duckling. Oh well...I guess we'll cross that bridge next Spring.
Murphyism of the Day
Salk's Law
The secret to happiness is to rely on as few other people as possible.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The creator of the universe works in mysterious ways. But he uses a base ten counting system and likes round numbers.
- Scott Adams
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