Word of the Day
Dishwater dysentery - An escape from doing chores, in which one finds oneself suddenly having to use the bathroom upon realizing or being told that it is his or her turn to clean up after dinner, specifically in reference to washing the dishes.
Our bug man should be coming any minute now. I've been distracted by all kinds of little chores that come up in the mornings. These are the kind of chores that get done but no-one actually notices that you've done anything unless...you don't do that something. "Where's the coffee?" If The Coffee Fairy doesn't visit the kitchen in the morning, the coffee doesn't get made. The same sort of invisa-chore (chores that remain unseen unless they aren't done) is the one where the clean dishes are unloaded from the dishwasher and put into the cupboard. "Where's my favorite coffee cup?....Is it clean?" Again, if The Dishwasher Fairy doesn't visit the kitchen in the morning, the clean dishes won't end up in their cupboards. Actually, The Dishwasher Fairy also has to visit in the evening or the dishes remain unwashed in the dishwasher and then favorite coffee mugs end up dirty and a less than favorite coffee mug will have to be used. Thankfully, The Dishwasher Fairy is fairly reliable. Oops! I just noticed that The Newspaper Fairy hasn't come yet. "Where's the newspaper?" Gotta run. The Breakfast Fairy needs to get busy too. After all, The Dog Walking Fairy has already come and gone (she visits on a regular basis) and so has The Dog Kibble Fairy.
Murphyism of the Day
Jacob's Law
To err is human - to blame it on someone else is even more human.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts.
- Madeleine L'Engle
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