HTP's Folks, Me, MC Daughter and #1 Son - Another Thanksgiving Dinner Somewhere in Time
Word of the Day
Dogelation - The ridiculously enthusiastic joy with which one's canine friend greets oneself at the door, expressed by tail wagging, running in circles, spreading dog germs across one's face with its tongue, and the like.
HTP and I have moved two impossibly heavy pieces of office furniture into HTP's new office room. Next step? We're going to move one of my bookcases and a dresser/entertainment center into the new guest room so we can think about moving HTP's impossibly heavy and huge desk into his new office room. Moving this desk is going to be even more fun than moving all the rest of the stuff put together.
We actually got a few drops of rain this morning, as a matter of fact, it's raining right now. This is the type of rain we get here in Arizona which is just enough to make the cars look really dirty. Along with rain in Arizona, one always gets wind and blowing dust. Now I'm going to have to wash the car. *sigh*
Murphyism of the Day
Cromer's Law
People who don't believe in anything will believe the worst of other people.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong. - George Carlin
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