Four Generations (DD Daughter, Me, Sis, Ms. En, and Mum)- Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Doork - 1. One who attempts to enter through an exit and exit through an enter. Frequently achieved by either pushing on a "PULL" or pulling on a "PUSH". Bonus if one doesn't realize until some time after one has pushed or pulled really hard. 2. The jerk who, after a crowd has developed around a locked door, feels the need to try it himself, just to be sure.
Who are you and what have you done with my husband? This last question entered my mind yesterday when HTP came up to me while I was on the computer and asked if I'd like to help him hang the pictures up on the wall. Blink! Huh? Who are you and what have you done to my husband? Of course, I haven't actually voiced this question....not once. Don't plan to either. However, the question has been rolling around in my head. He not only helped me hang the paintings that came off the wall when we moved the office to the guest room and visa versa, he also hung up this huge antique mirror that has been sitting in the corner of his old office since we moved here. Three and a half years ago. It was too heavy for me to hang all by myself so it's been gathering dust because whenever I've asked him to help me with it... And then, he helped hang my shadow box which has been sitting out in the garage in a box with all my little miniatures that go in it for the same amount of time. Not HTP's fault, I just hadn't found the right place to put it before. Speaking of time and all the reasons why things haven't been done, he asked me what I wanted to do with this Regulator-style clock that we got as a wedding gift. I told him that it was broken so I wasn't sure what to do with it..but I hated to get rid of it because maybe we could get it fixed. It's been broken for twenty years and has been stored in this closet and that closet in this house and that house, moved and stored across many states. This has been a well traveled dysfunctional clock. He fixed it. And then he helped me hang it up in the guest room.
And then today, he helped me clean the dust out of the runners of the window in the guest room. He took the newly functioning clock down so I could polish its pendulum and then he put it back up. AND...he offered to let me use two of the shelves in his office desk for my books? I'm not going to even ask who this man is...he still looks like HTP and I don't want to jinx things. Whoever he is, he got the suitcases down from the closet without a single comment about my packing (in his opinion)so early.
We're heading to Vegas tomorrow morning. I can't promise to blog while we're there. If I blog, I blog. If I don't...I'll try and catch you all up when we get back home. Just in case I don't get a chance to blog, I'll wish you a Happy Thanksgiving right now.
Happy Thanksgiving! There are so many things in my life this year for which to be thankful. I'm thankful for my husband who indulges me, even when I'm not so nice. I'm thankful for my parents who are both healthy and plan to join HTP and me for Thanksgiving dinner. I'm thankful for HTP's folks who seem to be doing just fine. I'm thankful for my children. I'm thankful that my son is capable of cooking a Thanksgiving dinner for his friends and that he'll be with both friends and family when he can't be with us this Thanksgiving. I'm thankful because I know that MC Daughter and her husband are doing just fine in Minnesota and they'll be close to #1 Son this Thanksgiving. I'm thankful that DD Daughter and GI Joe have settled into a their new apartment in Nebraska with their new baby girl. I'm thankful for that new baby girl, our first Grand-daughter, Ms. En, who will be enjoying her first Thanksgiving surrounded by family. I'm thankful for all of my family. I'm also thankful for all my friends who manage to keep me laughing, no matter the bumps that seem to arise in our lives. LOL. And...let's not forget...I'm thankful for my new puppy who is sitting at my feet as I write this. And...as one of my favorite sayings states, "If you can't be happy with what you've received, be glad for what you've escaped."
Murphyism of the Day
Mizner's Law
Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocate.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Thanksgiving is a typically American holiday...The lavish meal is a symbol of the fact that abundant consumption is the result and reward of production.
- Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982)
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