Old Grey Dreaming of Thanksgiving 2006
Word of the Day
Dostinate - To tell someone not to do something when one has not tried it themselves and does not know what it's like.
Please excuse Old Grey Frog for not coming in and blogging yesterday. She was sick all day with the flu.
I decided to bring an excuse today to pardon my absence of yesterday. I suppose telling everyone that I HATE BEING SICK! is something that I really needn't state. I started to feel a bit better by 6 PM last night but only well enough to feel sorry for Gypsy who had been relegated to an outdoor existence all day. HTP felt it was safer that way. She was lonely. Poor baby. I staggered from my bed to check on her and got my face licked by a wiggly welcoming puppy. She missed me. I gathered her up and took her back to bed with me. After playing tug-a-war with her for a few minutes, she curled up and slept at my side only to awaken when HTP came in and brought me some soda crackers and ginger ale. I shared my soda crackers with Gypsy which I suppose wasn't all the best of ideas because she made a crumby mess off all over the bed which I had to clean up before we could settle back down to sleeping.
I'm a bit better today but I'm not even thinking about eating anything. I did make some coffee but I think I'll leave the whole pot for HTP. Acid on my stomach doesn't sound like a good idea at this point. I think a cup of hot tea might be a better idea. Gypsy wants to play this morning and sitting outside in 44°F weather without something hot to drink doesn't sound too fun. I need hand warmers. I know. It's a lot colder right now in Minnesota and Wisconsin and Nebraska. You're all sobbing in sympathy for how cold it is outside right now in Arizona. However, there is a reason that I am in Arizona right now instead of Wisconsin. It's too darn cold in Wisconsin right now! It's pretty darn cold here in Arizona but at least I know that it'll warm up as soon as the sun gets high enough in the sky to do some good.
I missed one whole day to do all the things that needed doing yesterday. Now I have twice as much to do today...make that three times as much. I've still got a turkey defrosting in the fridge. One turkey dinner..... I was going to say, "One turkey dinner coming up" but then, after an entire night of worship in front of the porcelain throne, maybe it would be better to say, "I'll be cooking our belated Thanksgiving dinner today." I'm not sure how much of said Thanksgiving dinner I'll actually eat but I'm hoping I'll feel 100% by the time the smell of dinner starts wafting throughout the house.
HTP helped. It's always easier to make a Thanksgiving dinner when you have an extra set hands. Our stuffed turkey is roasting in the oven. I prepared the sweet potato casserole (the one with pineapple chunks and roasted marshmallows) and the green bean casserole. Those will have to wait to go into the oven until the turkey is done. When will the turkey be done? The answer to that age old question all depends upon the size of your turkey and how hot your oven is and...with all that knowledge, it's still only done when it's done. Actually, I think it'll be about done at 3:30 PM...maybe. That's just a guesstament using the cooking chart and the weight of the turkey before baking along with a side calculation for the stuffing which is baking inside the turkey. Yes, I know. Supposedly, it isn't safe to stuff a turkey anymore. However, I've never had a problem with stuffing a turkey. No-one has ever gotten sick from my stuffing. I imagine this is because I never stuff my turkey until seconds before I shove said turkey into the oven. I also wash my turkey thoroughly before I roast it...inside and out. Plus, I don't use anything in my stuffing like oysters or giblets. And then...before carving my turkey, I take all the stuffing out of the turkey and put it aside to stay warm. I don't know...somehow stuffing just isn't the same if it's never been stuffed. I still have to make the cranberry sauce. I'll tackle that one next. It's one of the easiest things to make but one of those sides which everyone tends to forget in the fridge. What's Thanksgiving dinner and turkey without the cranberry sauce? Oh...and the gravy. I'm working on that right now. The giblets and the neck are in a pot right now, making a wonderful broth which I can use while making my gravy.
Murphyism of the Day
Arlen's Law
It's amazing how nice people are to you when they know you're going away.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There are grammatical errors even in his silence.
- Stanislaw J. Lec (1909 - 1966)
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