Racking Wine at The Lake - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Disemvowel - T rmv ll th vwls frm spm r thr dslkd txt. (To remove all the vowels from spam or other disliked text.)
My wine-making project continues. I strained my wines this morning and got them all settled with air-locks in my guest room/library/wine cellar. I'll re-visit it in three weeks when I'll have to rack it for the first time. I've got four gallons of pomegranate wine and one gallon of prickly pear wine. I refuse to commit myself to multiple gallons of prickly pear wine until I can actually do a taste test of it. I may sneak a nip in October and make my decision at that time. For all I know, this stuff may end up being as "wonderful" as Sis and my Lilac wine experiment. An experiment that didn't bear repeating.
HTP finished our patio painting project while I was at church yesterday. Woohoo! I got home just in time to watch him finish up the trim work. And then I helped clean up the mess. At least I wasn't having to climb up and down that ladder anymore. I noted this morning that both my arms are covered in bruises. It took me a while to figure out how I'd managed to bruise myself. The ladder. Every time I moved that ladder, the dang thing left bruises on my arms. I've got a few on my legs too. Our ladder is one of those heavy-duty (HEAVY) ladders. Oh well...Gypsy is thrilled that the plastic sheets on the patio have been removed and her little world is back to normal. The plastic was slippery. Racing across the plastic-lined patio left her up-ending with her hind quarters slipping past her front legs. I must say...it was kind of funny to watch but I tried not to laugh at her. Poor baby.
Murphyism of the Day
Helga's Rule
Sa no, then negotiate.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
After you've been in a place for a while, everything starts to look... I won't say better, there's no need to go to extremes...but your everyday life does start to become...familiar.
- David Assael
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