An Annual Migration to The Lake Picture from...199? Front Row: Alex, #1 Son, and DD Daughter Back Row: Joy and Sarge. Picture taken on the front steps of my friend who lives in Colorado.
Word of the Day
Porkus non gratis - The scraggly piece of bacon at the bottom of the package.
There are multiple Tea Parties planned across the nation today...demonstrations against the incredible amount of money our government is spending. These demonstrations aren't against the current amount of taxes people are having to pay...though...the taxes always seem to be higher than anyone would like. Who likes to pay taxes? No-one. Actually, these demonstrations are about government spending and the obvious fact that SOMEONE will have to pay back the money our government is borrowing, printing, and spending. Figure out how much you've just paid the government (State and Federal) this year and then do the math. And you thought you were paying high taxes this year? We'll all be hamsters running on a wheel from birth to death and we still won't be able to pay back what our government is spending. But...enough about death and taxes....
NINE MORE DAYS?! OK...this is NOT the time to panic. I bottled (re-bottled) the Pyracantha wine that was in the screw top 1/2 gallon jug. Done and did. It's all labeled, sealed, and packed. That's one less thing that I'll need to think about once I get to The Lake.
HTP dug out my suitcases. Yeah! I can start packing the suitcase that will remain in the car until we get to The Lake. I'll have to wait until next week to pack the smaller suitcase that I'll have to bring inside each night.
In the meantime, HTP and I were able to pick up my old clarinet at the repair shop yesterday. The repair guy raved about it. I noted that a similar Selmer clarinet was priced at nearly $9000 in that music store. This prompted HTP to take insurance inventory pictures of both my clarinets when we got back home.
I've got my To Do List and my Packing List edited and on my computer. I'm not ready to print it out as yet but...I'm working on both of them. One of the things that I forgot to remember was calling the plumber to turn our water back on at The Lake. HTP tried to call the plumber but...there's a time difference issue and this plumber doesn't believe in answering machines...or computers. *sigh* I called my folks last night to ask if they could call the plumber for us. They live in the same local calling area. Hopefully, they'll have better luck in getting a hold of the guy than we did.
Murphyism of the Day
Wolter's Law
If you have the time, you won't have the money. If you have the money, you won't have the time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms strength into right, and obedience into duty.
- Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778)
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