This is a pomegranate blossom in full bloom on my pomegranate tree.

My pomegranate tree is LOADED with pomegranate blossoms this year.
Word of the Day
Plothole - A rough spot in a storyline; a storyline that doesn't quite work, like a pothole is to a road.
My allergies decided to ignore all my minor attempts to treat them. So, I brought out the big guns and will have to live with the resultant feeling of exhaustion. My neighbor's tree is in full bloom. I'd go outside and take a picture of it for you but...I'm just too tired. It looks like an explosion of YELLOW. Pretty, but deadly (when it comes to my allergies).
It's April Fool's Day! Happy April Fool's Day?! In honor of the day, I'm sticking close to home where no one can prank me...if I don't want to be pranked....and I don't. Today is also the anniversary of when I started blogging in 2003 and the anniversary of when DD Daughter became a Marine. So far, the computer worm that everyone has been nervous about (confikor?) and which was supposed to hit on April Fool's Day hasn't done anything that I'm aware of to spoil the day. However, I did note that I couldn't watch Fox news on my cable TV this morning until around 8 AM. What was with that?
I made dog food this morning. I took the last container of frozen dog food out of the freezer from the last batch I made. Doing the math, I won't need to make any more dog food until after HTP and I get to The Lake this spring. Which...of course...made me think about going to The Lake so I dug out my To Do List and Packing List, and started editing them for our return trip to The Lake at the end of this month. We haven't firmed up any departure dates as yet. I'll post a countdown ticker as soon as we do.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein on Math and Science - Number Four
If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A house that does not have one worn, comfy chair in it is soulless.
- May Sarton
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