See all that YELLOW? That's half the source of my misery right now. A Palo Verde tree in full yellow bloom. *moan*
Word of the Day
Pockalanche - Perpetual action of reaching down to pick up an item fallen from a shirt pocket, only to have another item fall out.
Despite feeling really crappy, I went to church. I took some DayQuil and headed off to church to play my clarinet. Then, one of the pads from my clarinet fell off. The vocalist found it but even though we managed to put it back...my clarinet wasn't all that. I did manage to work around it a bit but a couple of the transitions were pretty rough. I probably could have stayed home...but then I'd have found out about the pad problem on Easter Sunday. Besides, I hate to promise that I'll be somewhere and then call in sick. I won't be able to get my clarinet fixed before I have to play on Easter Sunday but, I've got my other clarinet...I hope. It looks like getting any clarinet fixed before I head to The Lake this summer is slim to none. I'm going to practice with my old clarinet for the next few days. Put it through its paces and hope nothing vital falls off. Well...maybe tomorrow. I'm still feeling crappy despite the DayQuil.
Murphyism of the Day
Alvinak's Algorithm
When graphing a function, the width of the line should be inversely proportional to the precision of the data.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Riches may enable us to confer favours, but to confer them with propriety and grace requires a something that riches cannot give.
- Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832)
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