Had to share this Sis. Mom clipped it out and gave it to me.
Word of the Day
Pointful - To have a point; to be full of good arguments; opposite of pointless.
So much for hoping my old clarinet would work. However, thankfully, I was wrong about how difficult it would be to get my clarinets fixed. I was able to bring both clarinets into Milano Music and they promised to have one of them fixed and ready to play on Friday...if not sooner. They promised me the other clarinet sometime next week. I'm going to have to be more careful about playing both clarinets from now on. The problem with my old clarinet was something that wouldn't have happened if I'd used it more often. Silverfish had been munching away at the pads. Yuck! I vaguely remember another clarinetist at my church talking about a problem she had with her clarinet but since I'd never had problems...I dismissed it. I wonder if the infestation happened at that time. I was told that it didn't look like I had any live silverfish in the case but, to be on the safe side, I was told to set my empty clarinet case, open, out in the sun for few hours and this would kill anything remaining...including eggs. Sounds like a wonderful activity for next week.
HTP and I were out and about in the Milano neck of the woods anyway. HTP had another eye appointment at the retinal specialist. Shot #2. This time I was able to sit out in the courtyard while HTP was getting shot. Ouch! It hurts just thinking about someone injecting stuff into an eyeball.
Though I still feel crappy, my cold seems to be somewhat better today but...I still can't do much. I get winded really fast. Hopefully, this will all go away by Friday and I can do my cleaning in between rest breaks until I'm 100%. At this rate, I'd be happy with 50%. I'm trying to get the fridge cleaned out and up today while I'm doing laundry.
Murphyism of the Day
Lynch's Law
The elevator always comes after you have put down your bag.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
- George Carlin (1937 - 2008)
1 comment:
Cute cartoon! Hope your cold gets better soon. I'm resting and recovering from the Colonoscopy that I had at the hospital this morning :) Thankfully, all looked normal. For my other tests, the results are not all in yet. I should know in a week or so.
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