I think Gypsy will need a summer haircut like this one before we head to The Lake at the end of the month.
Word of the Day
Poety - Poetry-like; something closely resembling the work of a poet. Often used derogatorily to describe bad poetry, rap, and self-indulgent spoken word sessions.
My cold continues but I still went outside to clean the patio. HTP had kindly put together the shop vacuum so... First I went outside to clean up the branches that had been pruned off the trees by the wind storm that hit the other day. Then...I cleaned up after Gypsy. By then it was time to take a break because my cold wouldn't let me breath and I felt like I used to feel after running around the track a couple times when I was in high school. Gasping for breath, and lungs burning. After lying down for a while to recover, I returned to work and vacuumed the outdoor patio which was littered with leaves, desert dust, and flower blossoms...the usual debris left over from a desert windstorm. Maybe I should have taken a couple of pictures of before and after but, I didn't. I found myself again feeling like I'd run around the track a couple more times by this time and didn't even feel up to putting away the garbage can or the shop vac. HTP tells me that we may be getting another dust storm in a day or so, maybe I'll just leave the stuff out there. After another break, a long break this time, I took Gypsy out for a short walk. That's all I had left in me for the day. Pretty pitiful.
Murphyism of the Day
First Rule of Applied Mathematics
98% of all statistics are made up.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Your idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours alone. The more the idea is yours alone, the more freedom you have to do something really amazing. The more amazing, the more people will click with your idea. The more people click with your idea, the more it will change the world.
- Hugh Macleod
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