This is NOT my outdoor thermometer, nor is the temperature shown the actual outdoor temperature right now here.
Picture taken by T-Square during the coldest temperatures this winter at The Lake.
Word of the Day
Potentater - The largest or longest French fry in a box.
My outdoor thermometer is reading 97 degrees. It's supposed to reach into the triple digits tomorrow or Wednesday. Time to get out of Dodge. Actually, it wasn't too hot when I was just outside with Gypsy on our daily walk to the mail box but...I was happy to get back inside. However, I'm noting that it's time to use the AC. My indoor thermometer is reading 80 degrees. I felt bad for one of my neighbors who was outside just now trimming his bougainvillea bush.
I did most of my outdoor work this morning before it got too hot. I fertilized the fruit trees, sprayed Roundup on any weed that I could see and pulled the bigger ones. HTP changed our irrigation timer to the summer schedule. And...I drained and cleaned out the fountain and disabled its indoor switch so no-one will be able to accidentally burn out the fountain motor...mistakenly thinking the switch is a light switch.
I've still got quite a few things left to do on my To Do List and I've only just started nibbling on my Packing List. I'm going to be doing laundry on Wednesday so I'll get REALLY serious about packing as I'm folding and putting away clothes. Some things I can't do anything about until Thursday and somethings will have to wait until Friday morning before we hit the road. But...for some reason...and I might be fooling myself...I don't feel stressed.
Murphyism of the Day
Davis's Explanation of Roger's Law
Serving coffee on an aircraft causes turbulence.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)
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