A New Home for Some Bells

And Some More Bells
Word of the Day
Plotbunny - A tempting idea for a story that hares off into strange territory upon pursuit. Known for breeding rapidly and dividing a writer's attention to the point of achieving nothing at all.
'Twas another day spent working on my coin inventory. I was able to track the prices of most of the coins that I've purchases, as well as their present worth...which...of course, can change from day to day. Hah! Change. Get it? OK. 'Nuf with the puns... I've done everything that I can at this point with inventory. I probably should inventory my frogs sometime...but...that's for another day.
I finished unpacking the things that I brought home from my folks' place. Then...braving life and limbs, I crawled up on a rather wobbly ladder and screwed cup hooks into the edge of my patio so I could hang the five Indian bells that my Mom gave me. Pretty scary. I only fell once...well...you can't really call it falling when you rescue yourself. It was more of a huge step down and a stumble. Scared the heck out of me but...I got the job done. I still need to hang up the thermometer/clock but I think I'll have HTP help me with that since the job looks like it'll take two...and we need to use anchor bolts which means punching a couple holes into the stucco pillars. You don't just want to start bunching holes without consulting your spouse. It's a rule.
The last load of Laundry Day laundry has been folded and put away. Only the sweater that I washed is sitting out, waiting to dry. It has some wool in it and you have to be careful how you wash and dry it. Even in the dry climate of Arizona, these things take time.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein on Math and Science - Number Three
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Even on the most exalted throne in the world we are only sitting on our own bottom.
- Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592)
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