It's Wash Day
Word of the Day
Peppier - The waiter at a fancy restaurant whose sole purpose seems to be walking around asking diners if they want ground pepper.
I wasn't planning on leaving the house yesterday but...HTP had an appointment to have his eyes checked. In keeping with my off day, the simple eye appointment took several hours, most of those hours were spent in the waiting room...waiting. Once HTP and I were called back to the examining room, the appointment took only another hour. As we were waiting, I noted that several people gave up on their appointments, re-scheduling for a future time. The doctor was running late. Two hours late. Oh well...HTP finally got his script for new glasses.
We finally got out of the doctor's office at 5 PM. So...we decided to pick up a pizza for supper on our way home. Pizza Hut has been advertising a Pizza Mia on topping large pizza for $5.99, so we thought we'd give it a try. HTP and I were shocked to discover how invisible Pizza Hut has become. Finding a Pizza Hut has become almost impossible. HTP finally remembered that there used to be a Pizza Hut next to a Cold Stone Creamery close to where we used to live, but even knowing this, it was hard to find. Such a small sign! However, we were able to order the pizza to be made at another Pizza Hut, closer to our current home. We KNEW there was a Pizza Hut near the Bashas grocery store, about a mile from our house. We KNEW it! The gal who took our order confirmed our belief. We must have driven by that Pizza Hut three times yesterday before we finally saw the sign. HTP and I asked them how long they'd been in that location and we were told that they'd been there for two years. Wow! I pointed out that it was REALLY hard to find them. I suppose most of their business is done over the internet. Very few people actually pick up pizzas these days. Most people have their pizzas delivered. Now I know why. No-one can find the actual store front Pizza Huts. As for the pizza? I think I prefer Little Caesar's pizzas. The crust of the Pizza Mia was kind of sweet and there was a good inch and a half of sauceless crust. Oh well...at least it was cheap, and hot, and closer to our home than Little Caesar. Now that we know where to find it, we may go back. A 17" pizza for $5.99 isn't too bad. And...best of all...I didn't have to cook.
Today, I plan to stay home...even though I didn't forget to set my coffee-maker. I'm doing laundry.
Murphyism of the Day
Addendum to Murphy's Law
In precise mathematical terms, 1 + 1 = 2, where "=" is a symbol meaning "seldom if ever."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you're trying to take a roomful of people by surprise, it's a lot easier to hit your targets if you don't yell going through the door.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
1 comment:
We've been really disappointed with Pizza Hut lately, and it's funny that you made the comparison to Little Caesar's because Rob did the same thing. "Uck... this is the same quality you'd get from Little Caesars." but I told him that at least when you go to Little Caesar's, you're EXPECTING to get a cheap pizza. When we go to Pizza Hut we usually expect a lot more.
Not that I have anything against Little Caesar's. Once in a while I get this weird hankerin for their Crazy Bread (if it's made properly--not all dry and bland). The place by our old apartment in Oceanside made their Crazy Bread PERFECT! I sure do miss that. Man, now I want some. *L*
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