Gypsy - Legal Snowbird from The Lake
Word of the Day
Phosflink - To flick a bulb on and off when it burns out (as if, somehow, that will bring it back to life).
It's hot outside and I'm cranky because I didn't close the windows soon enough and now it's hot inside too. Then...why do things come in the mail on Saturdays about stuff (crap, I've got to take care of this stuff) that you can't take care of until Monday! I got a letter in the mail...a fine notification ($104?)...because I didn't buy an Arizona license for my dog. My dog isn't a resident of Arizona. I'm not a resident of Arizona. I don't have to buy an Arizona license for my dog! We're only winter visitors. My dog has a license for Wisconsin where we live most of the year. But, of course this fine from Arizona came in the mail on a Saturday and now I can only stew about it until Monday. Grrrrr!!!!! And all this is because I take Gypsy to a vet here in Arizona and they were legally mandated to send a copy of Gypsy's rabies vaccination to the county. Unfortunately, they didn't send the correct address information. That...I could take care of today. I called the vet and they've changed our information on their computer. However, I'm still stewing. Maybe it's the heat...one more thing that I can't do anything about. Well...I could turn on the air-conditioner but...I won't.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Seven
Don't retain a discredited model.
Catchphrase - "Don't beat a dead horse."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things.
- Woody Allen (1935 - )
I would have thought your vet would have noticed the WI license tag on Gypsy's collar and mentioned it in the report to county.
We haven't gotten around to getting a license tag for Abby yet. I suppose we should since we've been living here almost a year now.
You know, Nebraska wants us to license our cats now. Uuugh. I'm not privy to what the exact punishment for not complying is.
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