Ice Fishing at The Lake - Picture taken by Sis
Word of the Day
Pity Pile - An unhappy 2-year-old child who falls into a sobbing heap on the ground in an attempt to play on one's sympathies.
I'm making sugarless chocolate cookies today. Actually, since HTP and I are going to be going to see my folks tomorrow, I made a batch of regular chocolate cookies for them. I'm going to give half the batch of sugarless cookies to the neighbor. Her husband LOVES chocolate but can't have sugar. He's had to deal with a lot, health wise, lately. I hope my humble cookies will cheer him up a bit. I hear that the brownies I sent over the other day were a big hit.
DD Daughter called to tell me that the piano, table, and music, arrived safely at her home in Nebraska. She was told that she could have the piano tuned in a couple of weeks, after it had a chance to sit a while. Since the poor thing hasn't been tuned for over five years, I'm sure it NEEDS tuning.
I'm playing my clarinet tonight with a duet partner at the church. I don't know why I always get so panicky when I have to stand up and play in front of one of the most forgiving audiences in the world. I think I'd be better off if I could sit down and hide behind the music stand but....Bob wants us to stand. Argh! I'm trying not to work myself into a vibrato creating nervous fit. Baking helps.
HTP and I are heading to Vegas I mentioned previously. I plan to bring my laptop but I won't promise to blog while we're in Vegas. I might. Unfortunately, we'll be subject to dial-up speed (sloth) and more often than not, this inhibits blogging capabilities.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein on Math and Science - Number One
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book. I'll waste no time reading it.
- Moses Hadas (1900 - 1966)
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