Where the drop leaf table and the liquor cabinet are no longer located.

Where the piano used to be and where the liquor cabinet is now located.
Word of the Day
Petrophobia - The fear that one will have to pay for the single cent over-pumped at the self-service station.
St. Patrick's Day
To honor the day, I'm wearing green. Tonight we'll have corned beef and cabbage. Yumm!
I'm amazed that so much has been accomplished since 8 AM when the piano mover came. I was a bit fearful when I saw that he planned to move the piano all by himself. He looked like a big strong guy but... Wow! He did it all by himself. Slick! This guy knows what he's doing. He muscled the piano out the door and into his specially built trailer in hardly any time at all. He also took the drop leaf table and a box of piano music. No extra charge. Wow! DD Daughter will have her piano early next week.
After the piano mover left, I started in on re-decorating. Vacuuming came first...and after. I decided to move my liquor cabinet over to where the piano used to be. In order to that, I had to empty the liquor cabinet. No, I didn't drink any. Actually, it was a good way to see and organize what liquors we've been keeping in that cabinet. We still have an unopened bottle of Johnny Walker Black. Who knew? It was tucked so far back in the cabinet that it was well camouflaged against the dark interior....and how many bottles of creme de menthe does one need? The liquor cabinet wasn't all that difficult to move once all the liquor had been removed. The hardest part was removing all that stuff and then putting it all back in.
All my redecorating was completed by 10 AM and HTP isn't even home from his eye doctor appointment yet. It took a while to re-distribute my bric-a-brac. After all, I lost two bric-a-brac holders. However, on the plus side, I acquired more floor space...more room.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Three
Don't apply any model until you understand the simplifying assumptions on which it is based, and can test their applicability.
Catchphrase - "Use only as directed."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Don't break your shin on a stool that is not in your way.
- Irish Proverb
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