My Dwarf Bottle Brush Bush - March 15, 2009
Word of the Day
Petrifood - Those rock-hard pieces of food you find behind the couch months after your kids threw them there.
My folks are on their way to their Nevada home. Sis e-mailed me that they left The Lake yesterday morning and arrived safe and sound where they planned to spend the night outside Kansas City. Four days on the road. If all goes well, they should arrive at their home in Nevada on Tuesday. HTP and I plan to visit them the following week after...giving them time to settle in a bit and catch their breath.
I've got bees! They aren't the killer variety...at least...I don't think so. They don't seem to be aggressive. They've been busy collecting pollen from my citrus trees and the dwarf bottle brush bushes in our front yard. Even when a particularly drunk bee that was stumbling around on my deck was nosed by a curious Gypsy, nothing drastic happened. I didn't see bees flying out of from anywhere on a seek and destroy mission.
The weather has been mild. I'll be curious to know if the weather this year (2009) will encourage my citrus to produce more fruit than last year's weather (2008). I seem to remember that we got some cold and breezy weather about the time the blossoms were opening last year...and I don't remember there being so many bees.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number One
Don't believe the thirty-third-order consequences of a first-order model.
Catchphrase - "Cum grano salis."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best.
- Margaret Thatcher (1925 - )
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