Word of the Day
Persnickety - Describing something that is peculiar and finicky at the same time.
My hands are drier than dry. It doesn't seem to matter how much lotion I slather on them, they're still remain stubbornly dry with a sandpaper-like texture. They were just fine before I decided to plant some petunias outside and plunge my pots of amaryllis. The soil here sucks the moisture out of hands with greedy abandon...even if you wear gardening gloves...and I did. Oh well...I not only got the petunias planted, I re-potted three of my amaryllis into clay pots and then dug holes in shady spots of my yards and plunged those three amaryllis and the three amaryllis that my Mom gave me (already potted in clay pots)into those holes. Those six houseplants are now temporary outdoor plants and will be watered by my drip irrigation system until I bring them back inside next fall. Six plants that I don't have to remember to water for a while. However, I added five more new houseplants to my inventory. I had some Zulu rubber tree cuttings as well as a prayer plant cutting that all have been busy growing roots. It was time to get them potted. I'm going to try and bring some of the rubber tree plants back to The Lake this summer for my Mom and for Sis and for Willie. I'd give one to DD Daughter but her cats would probably eat it....or severely maim it. Maybe I'll bring one to #1 Son.
I've got a batch of sugarless chocolate brownies baking in the oven right now. I just learned that my neighbor's husband is finally coming home tomorrow. He's been in the hospital and a transitional care facility since...a long time. I'm sure he's excited to finally come home. I was going to bake the brownies and send them over to the care facility for him but now I'll decorate them with "Welcome Home" picked out with sugarless chocolate chips. I can't find any sugarless M&M's. Anyone know if there actually is something out there like this? I've hunted on the Internet but came up empty. I wish someone would invent this sort of thing. Oh well...sugarless chocolate chips will have to do.
Murphyism of the Day
Hartz's Uncertainty Principle
Ambiguity is invariant.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.
- E. F. Schumacher
D-Lectable Sugar-Free Disco Candy Coated Chocolates
Here's a link:
Thanks Sis. The link didn't work but I did a search on D-Lectable Sugarfree Disco Candy Coated Chocolates and found the site. I ordered some...not exactly cheap when you add in the shipping cost but I'm not going to be using these as munching candy. I'm going to be using them as decoration on sugar-free cookies. I figure that I've got enough to last me for a while. LOL.
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