All Ready for St. Patrick's Day...but I still need to buy the corned beef and the cabbage and the red potatoes.
Word of the Day
Pervend - To arrive (at); especially in reference to peddling.
Have you ever noticed a huge bruise on your leg or elsewhere on your body and you can't remember how you injured yourself so badly and you can't recall the event? This tends to happen to me a lot. However, I do remember the injury that happened to my toe. I remember stubbing it a couple of days ago. Yes, it hurt, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I moved the vacuum cleaner, further back into the closet, so I wouldn't repeat the stubbing. Only, I was shocked to see the damage. My toe is all black and blue and red....still. It's better today than yesterday but yesterday when I glanced down and happened to see it, I figured that it was time to take a bath. My Mom used to complain that her children were members of the black foot tribe because we spent so much time running around outdoors without shoes during the summer. I figured that my foot had probably gotten over the top dirty since I've been spending a lot of time outdoors wearing sandals. Of course, it also looked like I might have spilled a bit of catsup or spaghetti sauce...or maybe a drop of wine on that one toe as well but...it happens. I cook quite a bit and sometimes things spill and you don't notice right off. Only...the dirt and catsup didn't wash off, and it hurt when I tried to scrub off what wasn't dirt and catsup. So...it doesn't hurt all that bad, as long as I don't mess with it, but I look like I'm running around with dirty feet and maybe I spilled a drop or two of wine on my toe. Kind of black, blue, purple and reddish right now. I suppose it would hurt a lot more if I had to wear socks and shove that foot into a shoe but, then again, if I'd been wearing shoes in the first place, my toe would look like this...oh...and if I'd stored the vacuum cleaner away a bit better after I vacuumed the other day. Actually, following that train of thought, if I'd avoided doing the vacuuming in the first place, the vacuum cleaner wouldn't have been in the perfect position to run into my toe while I was putting away the laundry on Tuesday. Cleaning is hazardous to your health...or maybe...if I'd skipped doing laundry on Tuesday....? Regardless, I just want to let everyone know that my feet are REALLY clean and I didn't spill anything on them.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein's Observation
Inasmuch as the mathematical theorems are related to reality, they are not sure; inasmuch as they are sure, they are not related.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.
- Don Marquis (1878 - 1937)
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