The Scorpion Still Lives!
Word of the Day
Percoburp - 1. The gurgling sound a coffee percolator makes. 2. The final gasp a coffee percolator makes to alert one that it is ready.
I've got LOTS of eggs! I bought three dozen eggs at the store yesterday since I was down to my last dozen in the fridge. Then, this morning after breakfast, my neighbor called to ask me if I wanted some eggs. They were getting old and if I didn't want them she'd end up throwing them out. So...waste not want not...I took them. HTP and I go through a lot of eggs. I'll have to use these first. Their "sell by" date was February 10th. I'll have to check each egg before using it but they should be fine. I plan to bake some more sugarless brownies next week for my neighbor's husband...and maybe I'll make some cookies. Heck! I can even make some hard-boiled eggs for egg salad sandwiches. Regardless, those eggs will be gone before the end of the week.
I've been missing the speaker sound that I had with my desktop computer now that I've switched over to the laptop. I noted that the quality of sound coming from my laptop was not the best when it came to playing CD's. Since the desktop speakers were still taking up space on the top of my desk (and under), and after discovering that it wasn't all that difficult to use these same speakers (with woofer)that I had been using on my desktop computer (all it took was fishing one of the many spaghetti wires out from under my desk and plugging it into the same audio that I use when I want to use my headphones), I currently have quality sound while my laptop is tethered to my desk. Now...all I've got to do is remember to unplug it when I want to take my laptop to the kitchen...or outside...or into the living room. The other day I forgot to untether from the headphones before moving my laptop...not a total disaster but I don't think these speakers will be so forgiving.
Murphyism of the Day
Snafu Equation Number Two
An object or bit of information most needed will be the least available.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Never give a child a sword.
- Latin Proverb
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