Word of the Day
Perugolation - 1. The compulsion to create words where normal words fail the inventor. 2. The act of making up words. A perugolator is one who partakes in perugolation.
HTP and I threw our diet out the window again last night...but we enjoyed ourselves so maybe the calories don't count. We succumbed to the temptation of Senior Night at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Valle Luna. We got there during Happy Hour and enjoyed a couple of house margaritas (salted glass, on the rocks), munched on chips and salsa, and ordered enough delicious food (buy one entree get one free) that we ended up taking most of it home in a left-over box. There's enough food in that left-over box for supper tonight and lunch tomorrow. So...really, I only filled up on margaritas and free chips and salsa and a bite or two of the dinner that I ordered. Since I brought home a doggy bag (left-over box), we didn't REALLY toss the diet out the window because I'm told that the calories from chips and salsa don't count and calories from adult beverages consumed during Happy Hour don't count either. Then...if you subtract the unconsumed calories that ended up in the doggy bag...you end up with a negative number. AND? Best of all? Everyone knows that there are no calories in left-over food one puts in a doggy bag (left-over box). I think it must be a chemical thing that has to do with the Styrofoam of the left-over box. I think this may be the main reason my Mom saves all her Styrofoam containers. I've heard that aluminum foil containers display the same odd calorie-nullifying characteristic.
Murphyism of the Day
Skinner's Constant (Flannigan's Finagling Factor)
That quantity which, when multiplied by, divided by, added to , or subtracted from the answer you get, gives you the answer that you should have gotten.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I've done the calculation and your chances of winning the lottery are identical whether you play or not.
- Fran Lebowitz (1950 - )
1 comment:
Darn it! I could really use a good margarita right about now.
How come I only want to drink when I'm not allowed to?
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