Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Columbine Have Started Blooming.
Word of the Day
Quintesensual - The most perfect embodiment of a thing or person that satisfies the essential desire for attractiveness.
2009 Woodtick Count - 33
On this last day of May, I finally got around to attending our local Lutheran church here at The Lake. I've been meaning to visit this church for years, but for some reason or other... HTP has been giving me grief over the fact that I keep putting it off. Hah! He can't do that anymore. The service was held outdoors. The sermon seemed a bit long but my judgement on the length of the sermon may have been influenced by the outdoor temperature at the time. I mourned the fact that I'd left my gloves at home, and the scarf a friend knit and gave me last Christmas would have been welcome. Cold! You'd think I would have reasoned this out on my own before leaving the house and so prepare for sitting outside for over an hour in the cold but...such was not the case. However, I do learn from my mistakes and I'm sure the shady location of the services and cool breezes will be greatly appreciated later during the heat and humidity of the summer. Thankfully, coffee was served inside the church after the service and my hands did finally thaw out before I got home. I wonder if they normally serve so much food between services. A nice variety of muffins (big and small), a couple of varieties of cake, a huge selection of fruit, rhubarb bread(I really want this recipe), juice and was a real continental breakfast.
I actually had to protect my vegetable gardens (Earthboxes and container gardens) and my window boxes last night. Frost?! Yes, we had frost. Thankfully, I have a large supply of spare sheets and pillow cases. Unfortunately, I'll be washing a large supply of spare sheets and pillow cases on Tuesday. Hopefully, all danger of frost or freezing temperatures will have passed...until late September or early October. However, I do remember one summer, all dressed in winter jackets in order to view the 4th of July fireworks display....and we were still freezing. The summer that never was. I hope we don't see a repeat of that summer, this summer.
I wasn't planning on doing any more yard work today. I promised myself that I'd take the day off. However, my raspberries really did need a bit of guidance and I noted that the wild raspberry bushes had advanced and were staging another attack on my raised bed gardens. They'd formed an alliance with the blackberry bushes and the sumac and had started to infiltrate my terrace garden by the garage. So...I ended up spending a productive afternoon beating back invaders and insurgents and illegal border crossers. I also planted two more window box gardens for my deck. I have no idea whether the lettuce and radishes will grow or thrive but...we'll see. I'll have to move the window box gardens to another, cooler location when and if the summer heat arrives. I expect I'll be moving my herb pots at the same time. It gets REALLY hot on my south-facing deck.
Murphyism of the Day
The Poker Principle
Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.
- Edith Sitwell (1887 - 1964)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
My Rhododendrons are Blossoming
Word of the Day
Quierd - Something that is both queer and weird at the same time.
2009 Woodtick Count - 31
HTP took me to see a movie yesterday! Woohoo! I finally got to see Angels & Demons! We also drove to Cumberland and stopped at Louie's Meat Market to pick up some more Italian sausage. And, after the movie, he took me out for dinner at Applebee's. What a treat! Dinner AND a movie! Loved it.
My folks, my sister and I went rummaging today at the local church rummage sale. I bought a cookie tin, a cookie jar, a sweater and some bulldog clips. And...I found out where the outdoor church service is being held tomorrow morning, bought a baby gift, bought a card, picked up the mail, dug out some lawn chairs that I'm going to have to bury again since my Dad already dug and stowed the chairs we'll need tomorrow morning, and gave my sister the Italian sausage she asked us to buy at Louie's. Yuck! Fennel!
After putting away my purchases and making lunch, I decided to try out my new nail clippers...for Gypsy. After a successful job (no blood or screaming dog), I decided to try out my new electric hair trimmer...for Gypsy. It's pink! I didn't buy it because it was pink. I bought it because it was a Conair and because it wasn't horribly expensive. The nail clipper and the electric hair trimmer cost less than one trip to the groomer. And...success. The goal was to trim the hair between Gypsy's toes and that goal was reached...a bit choppy but I'll try to do a better job next time. The groomer does a better job but I imagine it takes practice. Plus, I don't have a grooming table and I'm not a very good juggler.
I finally got all the leaves and debris pulled off my remaining flower beds. Hooray! The day was too perfect to waste sitting inside. Rainy days are for sitting inside. Days that are too hot and humid are for sitting inside with the air-conditioner running. The current temperature outside is 69 the shade. So? Why am I inside right now? I accomplished my goal and am taking a well deserved break. I may even go sit outside on the deck for a bit with a newly trimmed Gypsy.
Murphyism of the Day
Sigstad's Law
When it gets to be your turn, they change the rules.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Cocooned inside our private dramas we often don’t realize life is rolling by us like it should.
- Waiter Rant
Friday, May 29, 2009
Picking the Raspberries - 2007
Word of the Day
Quat - Past tense of the verb quit.
2009 Woodtick Count - 28
I just spent a couple hours outside weeding. My definition of weeding is to remove any and all vegetation growing where said vegetation isn't supposed to be growing...or where it can become a threat to existing, valued vegetation. I must say that it was perfect weather for it. Cool. Sunny. Enough of a breeze that I had to secure my hair. The only thing that would have made it easier would be if we'd had some rain. Oh well... I feel like I'm crawling with critters. Will the woodtick count go up tomorrow? Only time will tell.
Regardless, I pulled out two bushel baskets full of weeds and raspberry bushes...tame raspberry bushes. I'm talking about a real bushel basket..not one of those decorative things that you see at the store. My bushel basket actually holds a bushel...a unit of measure. Not to worry Mom, there are plenty more raspberry bushes in my other beds for you when you and Dad feel up to coming to get them....and I'm sure they'll be more next year.
My tame raspberries were plotting to take over my flower bed. They're still plotting, I know this but...I've got them under control...for now. I think they got the idea from the wild raspberry bushes that attempted a similar coup on my vegetable gardens. I can use RoundUp on the wild raspberry bushes but I won't resort to weapons of mass destruction for the tame raspberry bushes. However, I did feel a bit bad just pulling them out by the roots and all and tossing the dead bodies onto my compost heap but I have no more places to plant tame raspberry bushes. Besides, I remember my Grandmother ripping out perfectly beautiful flowers because they weren't growing where they were supposed to be growing. Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and do what you have to do.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Practice
Plays that work in theory do not work in practice.
Plays that work in practice do not work during the game.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
D'you call life a bad job? Never! We've had our ups and downs, we've had our struggles, we've always been poor, but it's been worth it, ay, worth it a hundred times I say when I look round at my children.
- W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Word of the Day
Quash Squash - The act of walking on the outer sides of one's feet to dampen the squishing sound of squeaky tennis shoes.
2009 Woodtick Count - 28
Row, row, row your boat.... I decided to take the boat out after breakfast. I caught on crappie. For all my efforts, I caught one crappie?! Oh well...good exercise...right? Right?! I'm going to blame the sun. It was just too sunny. Maybe I'll try again later tonight. Maybe.
The weather is/has been...changeable. Yesterday? Cold. Today? Hot. (89 degrees out on my deck.) Yesterday? Jeans, long-sleeved shirt and a sweatshirt. Today? By lunch time, I was in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Yesterday? A fire in the fireplace. Today? I using the ceiling fans...but I'm not ready to test out the air-conditioning.
We still need rain. Lots of rain. June is supposed to be our rainiest month. So far, we've had less than an inch of rain during this month of May (according to my digital rain gauge) and I'm not seeing any clouds on the horizon. Come on June! We need some rain. On the other hand...maybe that's why I'm not seeing so many woodticks?
Murphyism of the Day
Lefty Gomez's Law
If you don't throw it, they can't hit it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
For three days after death hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off.
- Johnny Carson (1925 - 2005)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
DD Daughter's BBTP (Baby Boy Type Person)
Word of the Day
Qualificated - To be both qualified and educated.
2009 Woodtick Count - 28
I have too been working outside in the gardens! I'm not complaining about the static woodtick count...would you?
We've had exactly .02 inches of rain today. Wow! Needless to say, my gardens are thirsty. Before we got our .02 inches of rain this afternoon, I dragged the hose down to the lower gardens and watered the iris and the dwarf iris that I transplanted the other day. Maybe that's why finally got some rain...minimal as it were.
Today was a perfect day for a fire in the fireplace. Aside from doing laundry, working on making some receiving blankets for DD Daughter's baby (due in late September), and getting the pre-prep work done on Sis' and my summer wine-making projects, I've been enjoying the warmth of a fireplace fire. I could have made some cookies and let the heat from the oven take away the chill in the air (50 degrees outside and overcast)but a fireplace fire has fewer calories than an oatmeal raisin cookie.
Murphyism of the Day
Lavia's Law of Tennis
If you don't throw it, they can't hit it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing.
- Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Happy Birthday #1 Son!
Word of the Day
Quaility - Quality tasting quail; A measure of a quail's taste.
Today is #1 Son's Birthday!
#1 Son!
HTP made breakfast. Pancakes. And then....#1 Son had to head back to the big city. We actually celebrated his birthday all weekend long. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. #1 Son and I went out for ice cream at The Porch. We were going to go fishing was too windy.
Today would have been a perfect day for fishing out in the boat. Unfortunately, I didn't have the energy...and nothing was biting off the dock. However, it was nice to just sit out on the dock...even if Gypsy almost fell into the lake. She can swim but I'm not sure she would have liked it, and I wouldn't have liked having to deal with a wet dog.
I worked some more in my flower gardens. The promised rain didn't arrive but it was overcast and cool so... I dug out some of my dwarf iris and transplanted them into a better location. I want to transplant some more of them to another location but...again...I ran out of steam. I just can't do everything that I want to do on the one day that I want to do it. I'll just have to learn to split my work up into as many days as I can and still get things done...eventually. Tomorrow is another day. I promised to dig out some of the dwarf iris to give to my Mom. Give back to my Mom. She's the one that gave me the dwarf iris in the first place. I think that somehow I ended up with ALL the dwarf iris and now she wants some back. There are plenty. They've been fruitful and multiplied. There's plenty for transplanting...more than plenty. I just have to dig up some energy...and...maybe find a trowel that isn't so bendy.
Murphyism of the Day
Terman's Law of Innovation
If you want a track team to win the high jump, you find one person who can jump seven feet, not seven people who can jump one foot.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I tended to place my wife under a pedestal.
- Woody Allen (1935 - )
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Bellwort...
the Wild Geranium...
and the Trillium are blossoming in the woods....
...and my radishes have sprouted in the garden.
Word of the Day
Pygopagan - Conjoined twins who do not practice religion or who are considered heathen or followers a polytheistic religion.
2009 Woodtick Count - 28
Oops! Sorry. I realized that I didn't blog so late last night that any attempt I would have made by then would have registered as a Memorial Day blog. There were just too many items ahead of blogging on my priority list.
Happy Memorial Day! I've been hearing this greeting all morning on the television. But...does one really wish someone a Happy Memorial Day? just doesn't sound quite right to me.
As far as yesterday's activities go.... We went out for Sunday Brunch at The Bluehills Supper Club. Same old, same old. However, this time they were offering a breakfast martini, which, although new and interesting, I'd probably stick to the tried and true Mimosa...or Bloody Mary bar. The food was the same as it always has been. No surprises. However, there's always a nice variety. Something to please everyone at the table. HTP's sister and her family met us there. It was nice to just sit and chat. There weren't all that many people (customers) there but this weekend was the supper club's first brunch of the season...oh...and I think they did Mother's Day too. Although, I could have provided a brunch that was just as nice and Sis and I have hosted ones together that are even better...I did enjoy the fact that I wasn't having to do any of the prep work or the clean up.
There's a lot of boat traffic on our lake this weekend. Because of this, I decided to limit my fishing to whatever I could catch off our dock. I caught one nice bass and another bass that I had to throw back because it was a smidgen too small. Added to my previous catches...there just wasn't enough fish to fry up for supper last night. And, it doesn't look like today will be a good fishing the dock or in the boat. Too windy...again. Maybe, if the wind dies down and the lake traffic clears out, #1 Son and I will take the boat out. Late afternoon...early evening? We'll see.
We had hamburgers on the grill last night. HTP fried up some really great French fries to go with the burgers. Tonight? We'll either have fish (if we catch any) or bratwurst on the grill...maybe some baked beans, a salad, chips, dip? We'll see. We've got options.
Last night we enjoyed watching the IT Crowd. #1 Son introduced us to this British sitcom last time he was here. He brought some more episodes for us to watch this time. Loved it. Maybe we'll watch more of the episodes tonight. #1 Son has to head back to the big city tomorrow. I'm not sure when he'll have time to come visit us next but...we don't live all that far from the big city so...
Murphyism of the Day
Ken's Law
A flying particle will seek the nearest eye.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
One cannot fix one's eyes on the commonest natural production without finding food for a rambling fancy.
- Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Berry Picking in 2007
Word of the Day
Pwned - Owned; Beaten.
2009 Woodtick Count - 28
I'm just now recovering...a little...from my battle with the raspberry bushes growing on the chimney side of the house. I had to trim away the old growth and then reset the trellises so they'd hold the newly formed raspberry canes. My raspberry bushes have been prolific! They're invading my flower garden space. I'll have to do battle with that on another day. By the time I got the trellises set and staked and line strung to hold the new canes, plus, cleaning up the debris, with raspberry canes grabbing at my arms and hair and clothes, I figured I'd beat a retreat and work on removing the proliferation on another day. Not today.
Instead, I cleaned up and baked a birthday cake for #1 Son. His birthday isn't until Tuesday but...we're going to celebrate tonight. We're also going to celebrate my folks' anniversary. One cake, two celebrations. Steaks on the grill. Baked potatoes. A nice garden salad. Cake and ice cream.
Murphyism of the Day
Hertzberg's Law of Wing Walking
Never leave hold of what you've got until you've got hold of something else.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Stoop and you'll be stepped on; stand tall and you'll be shot at.
- Carlos A. Urbizo
Friday, May 22, 2009
"Someone" invaded the garden on my deck. May 22, 2009
Word of the Day
Pupsqueak - The sound a yawning dog emits when it opens its mouth too wide.
2009 Woodtick Count - 27
Knock on wood, I haven't seen any deer ticks this year. I've seen more of your run of the mill woodticks than I've ever cared to see but none of the tiny deer ticks which plagued my life last summer. HTP woke me up this morning because a woodtick was crawling on him. Oh the time I was just thinking about getting up anyway.
I lost one of my tomato plants last night. OK. It was still there, but whatever got at sheared it off and then decided that it didn't really want it and left it wilting on my deck. A squirrel? A raccoon? I have no way of knowing. All I do know is that I'm going to have to go into the city today and buy another tomato plant to replace the one I lost. Grrrr!!!!
Oh well...HTP and I were planning a trip to the city today anyway. We've got a tiny little grocery store a couple of miles from our house but even with the price of gas going up 45 cents per gallon...maybe 50 cents per gallon (I haven't checked today's price)since we got back, it's still cheaper to drive to the nearest city to buy our groceries. Besides, there's a better selection of stuff at the grocery store in the city.
Murphyism of the Day
McCarthy's Maxim
A football coach has to be smart enough to understand the game but dumb enough to think it's important.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolved to write a book.
- Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My Gardens are all Planted - May 2009
Word of the Day
Pupkus - The moist residue left on a window after a dog presses its nose to it.
2009 Woodtick Count - 25
When your garden is all planted, what do you do? Do you clean the house? Do you make beds? Do you cook? All worthy occupations but...I went fishing....after I got the latest batch of wine all buttoned up (put lid on primary fermentation bucket and attached air-lock) and transfered to the basement. The lake was calling me and I haven't been out in a boat since last summer. To be honest, I haven't been out in a rowboat for more years than I'd care to count. Nevertheless, that's what I did. Fishing. Rowing. Anchoring. Lifting the anchor. Rowing. Fighting the wind. Fishing. I forgot how many muscle groups one uses when rowing a boat. Felt the time. I didn't catch much. Two nice crappie, a smallmouth bass that was only 13 1/2...maybe 3/4 inches long...regardless...shy of the legal 14 inch size he was fun to catch and swam off to Mommy. I also caught a REALLY nice bluegill. However, at the end of all that rowing, I only ended up with three fish in my fish basket...and a minnow in my minnow bucket. I also picked up various debris along our shoreline. Fishing line, a bucket, hooks, a bobber, and a couple of fishing lures. I didn't dive for pop cans...though I saw a couple of them. *sigh* Oh well...I'm feeling a bit stiff from all that rowing. My back, my side muscle, my stomach muscles. I was expecting to feel the burn in my arms, but maybe all my push-ups prepped me for it. I'm not complaining. I needed the exercise. I'd rather row a boat around the lake then using a rowing machine that doesn't go anywhere. Plus, I have three more fish to clean...tomorrow.
HTP and I didn't eat the fish I caught and cleaned on Tuesday ( a nice crappie and a smallmouth size). I was thinking about cooking fish for supper tonight but...#1 Son is coming to visit us this weekend. I think we'll have a fish fry on one of the nights that he's here. I'll have to go fishing again tomorrow...or maybe Saturday....or just off the dock. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be feeling a lot stiffer tomorrow from today's activities.
So...I'm making a baked ziti-style casserole for supper tonight. I have no Ziti. I have no Rotini. However, I do have a nice gourmet sundried tomato "shells". They don't look like shells. They look like kind of like rotini...but without the tight corkscrews. It's pasta. It'll work.
Murphyism of the Day
Knox's Principle of Star Quality
Whenever a superstar is traded to your favorite team, he fades. Whenever your team trades away a useless no-name, he immediately rises to stardom.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Everybody tells jokes, but we still need comedians.
- Jimmy Wales
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A View of my Raised Bed Gardens - May 20, 2009
Word of the Day
Punkdunk - A flashy or showoff dunk during a basketball game.
2009 Woodtick Count - 22
The wind is blowing so hard today that I'm pretty sure my last woodtick blew in from the woods when I took Gypsy out this morning to do her thing. HTP HATES the windchimes. It isn't usually so windy here but today the windchimes went from their normal tinkling melodic sound to loud thunking and clanging against the house...loud enough that it sets Gypsy off barking at imaginary invaders.
HTP couldn't find the special fertilizer I needed for my Earthboxes when he was out and about yesterday. He tried three stores. So, when I went into our little town to pick up the mail this morning, I checked the local Hank's Hardware Store across from the post office. Yup! Well...they didn't have the exact stuff that I was looking for but I found something that would do just fine.
I planted my last remaining Earthboxes. Sis told me about this neat way of applying the fertilizer using nylon knee highs. With the wind blowing the way it is today, I would have ended up with a face full of fertilizer, using the other method of fertilizing. It's lots neater using the nylon spring?...there won't be so much waste when I scoop out the fertilizer. I bet I can recycle the nylon socks too. Anyway, everything is planted and all I have to do is water and wait. Speaking of watering, I need to drag that hose out to the garden and water the raised bed gardens. It doesn't look like we'll be seeing any rain. I hope this wind hasn't blown away the lettuce and radish seeds.
Murphyism of the Day
Indisputable Law of Sports Contracts
The more money the free agent signs for, the less effective he is the following season.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Never read a book through merely because you have begun it.
- John Witherspoon (1723 - 1794)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
And My Daffodils are Still Blooming - May 19, 2009
Word of the Day
Pulpid - A kid who enjoys the carton more than the item that came in it.
2009 Woodtick Count - 20
My seeds came, my seeds came! They got here a full day before I was expecting them to come from Burpee! Woot!!!!! I planted my radish and lettuce seed this morning after breakfast...and after starting the laundry. This was leftover seed from last year. Hey! It'll work. However, I decided to buy new seed for the beans and zucchini...and then...I got sucked into buying some of this new type of pea called Survivor. I was intrigues because they claimed that it doesn't have any leaves and it doesn't need much...if I think it's also supposed to survive longer into the summer heat. We'll see. I can always plant a second crop of beans...or maybe more lettuce. Anyway, the seed got here around 4 PM so I ran right out and finished planting my raised bed gardens.
I'm almost done with my vegetable gardening activities...for the time being. I still need to finish fertilizing the raised bed gardens. I started but...I ran out of the time release fertilizer. HTP promised to buy me some of the special fertilizer for my Earthboxes because I ran out of that too. I was able to plant four of my six Earthboxes last night after the wind died down. The remaining two Earthboxes will have to wait until...tonight? Well...maybe tomorrow. I have fish to clean.
Yes, I finally caught a couple of fish! Only two but I was just fishing off our dock was a nice crappie and the other was a nice smallmouth bass. Plenty of fish to clean and enjoy for supper tonight. It's just HTP and me. I was tempted to hop into the boat and continue fishing but...laundry duties called. Plus, I didn't want to miss the UPS guy.
I hope we get some rain tonight. They promised us rain. If we don't get some tonight or if we fail to get some rain tomorrow...I'll have to set up the sprinkler for the raised bed gardens. Dry seeds in dry soil will not germinate.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number Five
Whatever can go to New York, will.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The act of nutrition is not a purely physiological event... The family meal is a formality that cultivates in us... a capacity for sharing, generosity, thoughtfulness, a talent for civilized conversation.
- Francine Du Plessix Gray
Monday, May 18, 2009
Herb Pots, Peppers, a Tomato Plant and an Waiting Earthbox - May 18, 2009
Word of the Day
Publishedy - Describing one who is either showing off that they've been published, or who is busy promoting their published work.
2009 Woodtick Count - 16
As you can see by the woodtick count, I've been spending some time outdoors...gardening. Sis and I went to the nursery and bought plants today. Unfortunately, with a fierce wind blowing from the southwest, it was too windy to do any Earthbox gardening, but, I did plant four of the tomato plants and two of the pepper plants that I bought containers on my deck....and I planted the cucumber sets in my raised bed gardens which HTP roto-tilled for me yesterday. Two woodticks from the roto-tilling and raking session of yesterday, and one from planting the cucumbers today. However, I may discover more as the night wears on.
Yesterday, after we roto-tilled the raised bed gardens, I planted my herb pots and my window boxes for the deck. I also transplanted the geraniums that Sis wintered for me. They look a bit pale and spindly right now but I'm sure that they'll perk up with a bit of sun and summer warmth. The summer warmth part of the deal has been on the scarce side.
Sis and I started a secondary batch of grape wine using the pulp from the grapes we used in the initial batch of grape wine we started earlier this spring. Waste not, want not. I was able to move that first batch of wine to the basement where it will sit for the next month...aging...air-locked. The secondary batch of wine will be combined with the initial batch as soon as it has graduated to the air-lock stage.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number Four
Hockey is a game played by six good players and the home team.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Your equipment DOES NOT affect the quality of your image. The less time and effort you spend worrying about your equipment the more time and effort you can spend creating great images. The right equipment just makes it easier, faster or more convenient for you to get the results you need.
- Ken Rockwell, Your Camera Does Not Matter, 2005
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Wildflowers are Blooming at The Lake - Picture taken in 2008
Word of the Day
Psychoaxis - The central topic or idea around which a set of complementary ideas revolve, essentially the main point.
2009 Woodtick Count - 13
My Earthboxes are all ready for planting. I just need to buy some more bedding plants. Tomorrow? Also...I finished digging my raised bed gardens. HTP still has to roto-till but maybe he'll do that for me today? I'm not ready to plant the raised bed gardens. I ordered some seeds from Burpee's and I think they'll be here soon. This week sometime? I hope?
I didn't count the worms that I dug while I was spading the garden. Maybe I'll go fishing today. It's been pretty cold and windy but the forecast seems promising. I don't think we got frost last night. My temperature sensor was reading 35 degrees this morning. Cold but not plant-killer cold. If the fish aren't biting, I'll plant my patio window box gardens with the petunias I bought and I'll get my herb pots all planted. Basil, cilantro, and parsley.
HTP and I got a call from our security monitoring company in Arizona. Apparently the back door sensor was triggered. We've had problems with this before. Our neighbor who checks on our house back there, doesn't always close the door "tightly". She closes it. She locks it.'s only closed enough for the sensor magnet to work...until the wind blows a bit and it "opens". *sigh* However, most troubling, she never heard an audible alarm going off. There should be an audible alarm....the better to make some burglar's ears bleed and notify my next door neighbor that there might be problems. HTP and I are going to have to test the system next fall. If there is no alarm, why have an alarm company? What's the point of the whole thing? Oh...and despite being told by our alarm-monitoring company that the police had been dispatched, my neighbor, who was watching for them, told us that they never showed. She would have noticed. Of course, HTP did call the company and told them to call off the cops but I would have thought the police would have arrived long before HTP called them off. Sooooo?! Oh well...there's nothing we can do about it right now.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number Three
A free agent is anything but.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
For me, it's that I contributed, ... That I'm on this planet doing some good and making people happy. That's to me the most important thing, that my hour of television is positive and upbeat and an antidote for all the negative stuff going on in life.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hummingbirds on my Deck - Picture taken in 2007
Word of the Day
Psychophant - One who attempts to curry favor by flattering influential people, but does so to a psychotic, often violent degree.
2009 Woodtick Count - 10
The new bird-feeder(a seed feeder that I bought this spring to replace the one that the squirrels destroyed last summer)holds eleven pounds of bird seed. Because it holds this much seed, and because it's got some major metal components (squirrels don't eat they?), it is heavy enough that I don't want to take it in each night if I don't have to do so. Also, even though I do have a heavy duty hanger arm attached the house that will take the weight of this feeder, the ring/hook that came with the feeder didn't work well with my hanger arm. So...this morning, when I had to refill the feeder (death to all squirrels),...I dug out an old metal clothes hanger and a pliers and a wire-cutter and fashioned my own ring/hook. It will be a lot easier to take that feeder in each night should it become necessary. So far, we haven't seen any raccoons but should they return to bother my feeder, I will bring that sucker inside each night, regardless of how heavy it is. The main problem wasn't the was the awkwardness of the ring/hook.
I have had to chase a grey squirrel away from that particular feeder twice already(DEATH TO ALL SQUIRRELS!) I'm not sure if there are two grey squirrels or one really persistent grey squirrel with a death wish. Both times the squirrel had to take a flying leap from my balcony. There is no easy way off that particular bird-feeder and unless you can fly. If I'd had a gun...we'd be having squirrel stew tonight. I'm not sure what kind of a marksman I am (I've never owned a gun or shot one), but, at that close a range, there's no way I'd have missed. Heck...if I had a baseball bat....ummmm...I used to have a baseball bat....I wonder where it went? A pipe wrench might work....
I'm going to have to keep track of how much bird seed I purchase during the summer months. So far, I've filled my bird feeders with 20 pounds of bird seed. I had 20 pounds left over from last summer and purchased forty additional pounds when HTP and I got here this spring. It might be more economical to purchase in bulk next spring. However, squirrels and raccoons tend to skew my calculations.
My hummingbirds are back. I've seen three of them so far. So far, they haven't been hitting the hummingbird feeders too hard. I can't say the same for the orioles at the oriole feeder. The orioles are sucking down nectar like it's their only source of sustenance. They're even hitting the hummingbird feeders. After the hummingbirds return in force, they won't allow this thievery. Heck...they'll even chase the orioles away from the oriole feeder. Hummingbirds can be nasty!
I'm glad I didn't get my garden or my Earthboxes planted. It's supposed to get really cold tonight. 27 degrees? I bought some bedding plants yesterday but I haven't finished digging the garden...nor have I prepped the Earthboxes for planting. It's been really windy outside and 43 degrees feels REALLY cold when you factor in the wind chill. I'm not eager to battle the wind and the cold when I won't be able to plant until next week. Just dealing with the bird-feeders this morning was enough to drive me back inside.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number Two
The wrong quarterback is the one that's in there.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Recommend to your children virtue; that alone can make them happy, not gold.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)
Friday, May 15, 2009
My Raised Bed Gardens - Picture taken after tilling, Spring 2008
Word of the Day
Pseudopose - To fake a supposition in lieu of actual knowledge. Also, a random guess for which the purpose is to make the speaker sound more intelligent.
2009 Woodtick Count - 10
All it takes is some time spent working in the garden and the woodtick count goes up. I even took a tick off Gypsy, but, I'm pretty sure it was heading in my direction. Gypsy has been Frontlined. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there really should be a Frontline for humans. However, please note, I don't include any Gypsy woodticks when it comes to the official Woodtick Count. Nor do I count any of the ones that HTP may have found crawling or embedded on himself. I'm only counting the ones that I've had to remove (crawling or embedded) on my own person.
Oh well...I got four of my raised bed gardens spaded. I still have three more to go but those won't be so difficult. The four I spaded yesterday were filled with wild raspberry plants. Wild raspberry bushes have a root system that makes it impossible to roto-till the garden before removing said roots. These came up from the roots of some wild raspberries that are growing outside the garden fence. Last year I made the mistake of letting HTP roto-till the gardens before I spaded them and the roto-tiller really hated and choked on the roots. HTP wasn't too happy either. I'm going to use some weed/brush-killer on the wild raspberries that are on the outside of my garden fence. Hopefully, this will take care of any future problems. Why I didn't think of doing this last year, I have no idea.
I still have to prep my Earthboxes and the flower boxes on my deck for planting. I have those three remaining raised bed gardens to prep. I have to remove leaves from the rest of the gardens around the house and trim the old canes from the tame raspberries. I've got to transplant the irises. Lots to do on my To Do List. Outdoor things. Woodtick things.
However, I think I'll try to give my back a rest today. When one puts one's back into a project, that back tends to hurt a bit. My back hurts a bit and I don't want to push it. I can deal with a bit of back pain, but, I'd rather avoid total, can't do anything else, can't think about anything else, back pain.
HTP mentioned something about going into the city to get the oil changed on the Gator. Maybe I'll talk him into taking me to a movie. Angels&Demons is showing at the local movie theatre in the city.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number One
Nothing is ever so bad it can't be made worse by firing the coach.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
- J. K. Rowling
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Juneberry Bushes are Blooming by the Shore
Word of the Day
Pseudonymble - The art of juggling multiple online personalities; ability to nimbly juggle many pseudonyms.
2009 Woodtick Count - 7
And life continues both day and night. I messed with the grape wine this morning. Mess is the operative word. I have to squeeze the pulp bag on a daily basis for the next few days. We're talking purple slime. Ewwww!!!! It's a good thing I put that vinyl table cloth down to protect my carpeting.
After breakfast, HTP hauled my Earthboxes from the garage where we had stored them last fall to the deck. They are HEAVY...even when the soil inside them is dried out. I really need to get started on prepping those Earthboxes for planting. I wish the sun would come out. It's still pretty cold outside. 44 degrees and overcast and it's hard to feel like gardening when it's this cold outside. It's too cold to plant seeds but HTP pointed out that I might have problems finding seeds and transplants after this weekend. least I might have problems finding the variety that I'd want to see. I do plan on going to the nursery near our week (with Sis)...but there are some things that I can pick up at Walmart when HTP and I drive to the city. Herbs. Annuals for my deck. Hopefully, Burpee seeds? Walmart doesn't keep them in stock very long. By the time I wanted to buy seeds last spring, Walmart had already sent their supply back to Burpee's. What's with that? Oh well...if I can get my Earthboxes all prepped for planting, I'll have a better idea of what to buy tomorrow.
I'm glad I got my Oriole feeder set out. I've got Orioles! I filled and put out my hummingbird feeders too but, even though Sis said she saw a hummingbird earlier in the week, I haven't seen any as yet. However, I have seen a variety of birds at my seed feeders.
Murphyism of the Day
Bob's Law of Televised Sports
If you switch from one football game to another in order to avoid a commercial, the second game will be running a commercial, too.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines.
- David Letterman (1947 - )
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sis is giving our wine that last "kiss", that last extra "something". Fall 2008
Word of the Day
Prunles - The wrinkles that develop on one's fingers when they've been in the water too long.
Sis and I tackled the task of bottling the Mulligan Berry Wine we started last fall. Six gallons of Mulligan Berry Wine. No pictures were taken this time. Our goal was to get the wine bottled. Neither of us thought about documenting the event...this time. One sentence just doesn't cover the amount of work entailed with this task. Washing and sterilizing bottles. Sterilizing corks. Corking. Labeling. Hey! Designing labels! Sealing the bottles. It all sounds so simple when you say..."Hey! Why don't we make our own wine?" Regardless of the work entailed, Sis and I have been enjoying the "fun" and the fruits of our labors. Is it cost effective? I'm not sure at this point. Can you buy Prickly Gooseberry Wine in the store? I've never seen any. Can you buy Rhubarb/Strawberry Wine? How about Dandelion Wine? I'll pit my Prickly Gooseberry Wine against any of those expensive Ice Wines that I've seen.
Sis and I started a batch of Grape Wine from the grapes that Willie gave us but...the liquor stores are loaded with wines that are made from the various varieties of Sis and I have been making the sort of wine that you just can't the shelf. Prickly Pear Wine? Dandelion Wine? Prickly Gooseberry Wine? Actually, we've decided that the Rhubarb/Strawberry Wine that we made last summer is...AWESOME!!! So AWESOME...that we've decided to concentrate our efforts this summer on perfecting this wine. Rhubarb Wine? It actually tastes wonderful but...OMG! Rhubarb/Strawberry Wine?! OMG! However, the Prickly Gooseberry Wine?...really good. Better than any of the ice wine you can pay so much money to buy. *sigh* Sis and I could be totally RICH if we sold some of the wines we make for family use. *sigh* Cross my heart and hope to die and refuse to do anything that will have the Federal Bureau of Food and Alcohol breathing down my back....Sis and I cross all the "T's" and dot all the "i's" when it comes to brewing our home-brewed wines.
Murphyism of the Day
Bob's Law of Televised Sports
If you switch from one football game to another in order to avoid a commercial, the second game will be running a commercial, too.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
One thing I've learned in all these years is not to make love when you really don't feel it; there's probably nothing worse you can do to yourself than that.
-Norman Mailer (1923 - 2007)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
DD Daughter, Ms. En, and #1 Son Enjoying a Mother's Day Buffet - May 10, 2009
Word of the Day
Prunk - 1. An unword word mistakenly substituted for another (often similar) word in conversation. 2. Exclamation upon the realisation that a prunk has occurred. 3. To replace a real word with an unword during regular conversation.
2009 Woodtick Count - 7
Wow! I keep getting older and my To Do List seems to be growing longer and longer. Some days I feel like I'm bailing out a leaking boat that is leaking faster than I can bail. I'm speaking/writing metaphorically because ,actually, the boat is doing just fine. No leaks. I bailed out the rain water that had gathered since its launching.
We celebrated Mother's Day in the big city with HTP's folks and #1 Son, DD Daughter, Ms. En, HTP's brother and one of his daughters, and HTP's sister and her family. We weren't expecting much (food quality) because the food at the place where HTP's folks live hasn't been all that but...we were pleasantly surprised. I'm not actually sure if the food was all that good but since it beat our expectations, we were thought it was great.
Yesterday, Sis and I went shopping for wine-making supplies in the city. That took most of the morning so we modified our wine-making expectations for the day. We decided that there was no point in killing ourselves to get all the wining done on one day. We decided to hold off on bottling the Mulligan Berry Wine until tomorrow and concentrate on getting the grape wine started. Willie gave us some grapes last fall but we ran out of time to do anything with them so Sis froze them. 17 1/2 pounds of an unknown variety of purple grape. It's not a sweet grape. We're thinking Concord-like. Anyway, right now I have a bucket of pre-yeast wine sitting in my living room and we'll be checking the specific gravity and adding yeast tomorrow. Then...we'll bottle the Mulligan Berry Wine.
I stayed up late last night because Gypsy needed more of her special dog food. I used up the last of what I brought from Arizona this morning. So...there was no getting around it, even though I was tired, I cooked up and froze her special stew last night. 5 quarts of hamburger stew. Ten containers, done and did.
Today. It's Laundry Day. And...I got my hummingbird feeders filled and hung. I really should spade the garden but...we'll see how much energy I have this afternoon.
Murphyism of the Day
Veeck's Law of Baseball
Knowledge of the game is inversely proportional to the price of the seats.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
God, I don’t have great faith, but I can be faithful. My belief in you may be seasonal, but my faithfulness will not. I will follow in the way of Christ. I will act as though my life and the lives of others matter. I will love. I have no greater gift to offer than my life. Take it.
- Real Live Preacher
Saturday, May 09, 2009
DD Daughter, Ms. En, and My Mom - April 6, 2009
Word of the Day
Protologism - A newly created word which has not yet gained any wide acceptance. It is a prototype or a hypothetical projection of a new lexical unit before it may become current in writing or speech. This word is self-defining as an example of itself.
2009 Woodtick Count - 7
Just a quick blog to let anyone who happens to read my blog that everything is just fine but with DD Daughter and Ms. En here, and now #1 Son as well, I decided to spend quality time with them while they're here instead of spending quality time with my computer.
We've had family over for a spaghetti dinner. We've driven to the big city where DD Daughter, Ms. En and I indulged in a trip to Barnes & Noble, stopped at a Starbucks for coffee, and then met up with HTP for a late lunch before heading back here to The Lake.
We stopped at Louie's to pick up Italian sausage and cottage bacon and some of their really good jalapeno and cheddar cheese summer sausage.
We went shopping again, but this time in the city, for groceries and assorted necessities. (Ms. En was running out of diapers) We met #1 Son for supper last night at the Sportsman's Bar and Restaurant where we enjoyed their fish, shrimp and chicken buffet. He's visiting now until Sunday.
I bailed out the boat and had to dispose of a really yucky dead squirrel out by the dock. I think one of the eagles must have "lost" it after catching it. Gypsy found it and I disposed of it...quickly. I didn't want Ms. En to see it or Gypsy to decide to munch on it. Ewwww!!!!!
Today? Breakfast. Brats on the grill for lunch if it doesn't rain. #1 Son promised to haul my Earthboxes out onto the deck. I filled and hung out the new bird-feeder that I bought.
We're all heading to the big city tomorrow for a Mother's Day Brunch with HTP's folks. DD Daughter and Ms. En will be staying in the big city overnight before heading back to her home. #1 Son will be heading on home to his place and back to work on Monday. HTP and I (and Gypsy)will be returning to The Lake...and because I probably won't have time to blog tomorrow...and maybe even Monday since I've got a lot of catching up To Do things on my To Do List....
Mother's Day
Murphyism of the Day
Moser's Law of Sectator Sports
Exciting plays occur only while you are watching the scoreboard or out buying a hot dog.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is a fine thing to establish one's own religion in one's heart, not to be dependent on tradition and second-hand ideals. Life will seem to you, later, not a lesser, but a greater thing.
- D. H. Lawrence (1885 - 1930)
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Grandpa HTP and Ms. En
Word of the Day
Pronuncilexia - A condition where the sufferer chronically mispronounces words to a high degree, by inserting or omitting sounds after the first letter.
2009 Woodtick Count - 6
Yet again I sallied forth after breakfast to work on raking and cleaning my garden beds. I figured that DD Daughter and Ms. En wouldn't mind that I stuck to my routine...even with visitors. Today was spent clearing out all the leaves from the lilac border and the area around the air-conditioner and the generator, as well as the raspberry bed by the garden...then...I started on Blueberry Hill. I actually finished the blueberry side of Blueberry Hill but ran out of steam. Please note the increase in the woodtick count. I told Ms. En, while she watched my efforts from the safety of the upstairs deck, that I was playing with looks like I must have been telling the truth. I'll have to work on the other other side of the terraces on Friday. I'd do it on Thursday but we're driving into the big city on Thursday.
Now that I'm all cleaned up from my outdoor work, I'm going to make some homemade bread today...maybe some cookies too. My folks are coming over for supper tonight. I'm going to make some meatballs to go with spaghetti so I want to have some garlic bread too. You can't just run out and buy a loaf of Italian bread here at The Lake. However, there's nothing that says I can't make some.
Murphyism of the Day
Breda's Rule
At any event, the people whose seats are farthest from the aisle arrive last.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others.
- Tryon Edwards (1809 - 1894)
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
A Glimpse of Things to Come - Summer 2007
My terrace flower bed looks a bit barren right now...give it needs warmer weather to wake up.
2009 Woodtick Count - 3
Word of the Day
Professore - 1. A teacher or educator who doles out copious amounts of tedious homework at their leisure, causing painful calluses on their student's digits. 2. A teacher or educator who takes sadistic pleasure in the mental anguish of students.
It looked a bit like I wouldn't be able to continue my gardening work today. Rain. However, it cleared up shortly after breakfast. At least it cleared up enough for me to rake and clean up the lower terrace garden and raspberry/flower bed on the east side of the house. Lots of leaves and debris. I also had to trim out the old raspberry canes and reset my raspberry fencing. I was working under a handicap. The wind was blowing hard enough to undo a lot of the work I'd done yesterday and my attempts today. Oh well...whatever leaves blow back into the beds are nothing in comparison to what I hauled off to the woods. I got most of them. You can now see the beginning shoots of my hostas and the bellflowers, and the astilbe. I'm having a real problem with wild blackberry bushes and red sumac sending out volunteers to invade my terrace flower bed.
DD Daughter and Ms. En are coming for a visit. DD Daughter found herself at loose ends when GI Joe had to spend a few days away from home so...why not come visit The Lake? They should be around supper time....I think. She got a late start and when she called, I was outside and HTP didn't ask whether or not we should hold supper for them. It takes seven hours plus to drive from her home in Nebraska to here so I don't expect that we'll see them until 7 PM. We usually eat supper a bit sooner than that but... Maybe she'll call again.
The battery on our generator isn't working. HTP swears that he replaced the battery last year but I thought he had decided to hold off replacing it until this year. Oh isn't working so HTP just went outside to take the battery out to look at it. The mystery as to when the battery was purchased should be settled as soon as he can take a look at it. Having a backup generator for the times our power goes out here is something we count on.
Murphyism of the Day
Wise Fan's Lament
Fools rush in - and get the best seats.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes.
- Mickey Mouse
Monday, May 04, 2009
My Front Gardens - They don't look like much right now but...Give them some time to wake up a bit. - 05/04/09
My Front Gardens - 06/10/08
Word of the Day
Procrastinatory - Characteristic of procrastination.
We've been home for less than a week but I feel like a total procrastinator. Looking back on the list of things that HTP and I have done since we've arrived, I've decided that my definition of procrastination is a bit flawed. We've been keeping really busy. However, my flower gardens have been reproaching me. They really need to have the leaves raked away and the dead foliage removed. HTP was talking about getting another garden blower/sucker to use. They have them on sale this week at the hardware store in the city but...I've always found that a good rake, a hand clipper, and some careful finger raking work the best.
I sallied forth after breakfast and removed the leaves and the dead foliage from my flower gardens in the front of the house. I ended up with two mountains of leaves and debris. I hauled the mountains off to the woods in batches, using an old quilt I keep in the garage for this purpose. I remember my grandparents used to use this same method. I've always figured that you shouldn't mess with success. I've still got lots more garden beds to work on but I've decided to pace myself. The front beds had priority because I wanted to get the leaves off the peonies, the astilbe, the faux indigo, dwarf daylilies and the sedum before they got too big and the raking might damage the new growth. I also uncovered my icicle violas so they'll have a chance to seed themselves and spread. I noted some of them are already blossoming. The daffodils look like they'll be blossoming soon. My tulips are late bloomers and my lilies won't blossom until summer.
I need to encourage Sis and my Mom to come and get some of the tame raspberries which have spread into my flower bed. They also should dig out some clumps of dwarf daylilies for themselves...maybe some faux indigo. This is the easiest time of year to divide them.
However, I've done enough outdoor work for right now. I still need to get the bird-feeders out but I may wait to do that until tomorrow. However, maybe I've got enough energy left to dig out at least one clump of winter onions. After I get them all cleaned up, they'll taste great with lunch.
Murphyism of the Day
Jeff's Law of Rental Cars
When buying gas for a rental car, nine times out of ten you will pull up to the wrong side of the gas pump.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.
- Friedrich von Schiller (1759 - 1805)
Sunday, May 03, 2009
The Hepaticas are the first to bloom - May 2, 2009
2009 Woodtick Count - 1
Word of the Day
Primuctified - Describing a feeling one experiences when one is the first to walk over a freshly mopped floor, often while the janitor looks on.
I didn't have any more luck today when I went out fishing than I had yesterday. However, the experience was a bit better...even without a nibble. At least the wind wasn't blowing so hard, and with the sun was putting in more of an effort to chase away the chill.
I was wrong when I stated that the wildflowers hadn't started blooming. They have. Gypsy and I hiked up to the main road to pick up the mail yesterday and there were little bouquets of blossoms brightening up the forest floor as they peeked through the cover fallen leaves.
I'm trying to convince psych myself up to using the box of hair dye that I bought before leaving Arizona. It's not a permanent hair's still a messy process and I'm not really in the mood for a mess right now. However, it might be nice to eradicate the grey before HTP and I drive into the big city next Sunday for Mother's Day. I noted that photographs tend to highlight my grey least that's how it seems to me.
Murphyism of the Day
The Rent-a-Car Law
In any airport served by several car rental agencies, the other service shuttles will arrive before yours.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall they be saved.
- Jane Goodall
Saturday, May 02, 2009
It's an Aerocraft
Word of the Day
Prettiful - Describing someone or something that is so pretty, it is beautiful.
Since Sis' hubby agreed to tow my grandpa's old rowboat over to our dock area, HTP and I thought it would be a good idea to get the dock least partially. Add that to the rest of the stuff that I did yesterday and my knee decided enough was enough. Thankfully, when Sis' hubby got here, he brought along a friend of his and his son (Nephew C.). They helped us with the dock and now we're good to go for the summer.
Grandpa's old boat (my "new" boat) is an Aerocraft aluminum fishing boat. HTP and I have been doing some research but haven't found the exact same boat online. I measured it as 14-foot (measuring from the bow to the transom) but...I think it's longer than that if you measure it along the curve of the boat. It's wider than any of the specifications from the brochures online. The company that makes this boat no longer exists. My Mom tells me that my grandparents bought this boat and another just like it, used, from the woman who used to own The Lake...which makes me think that the boat was probably manufactured in the 1950's. She told me that she thinks the boats were some used by the people who would come to the island (Stout Island). The boat is water-tight and in perfect shape despite the years that it's been stored outdoors...just up-ended and pulled up onto dry land by the shore. It will work perfectly for me.
I went out fishing for a really short time this morning. Despite the sunshine, the wind was blowing and the 47 degree temperature felt...COLD. Gypsy kept looking at me reproachfully. With nary a bite or nibble, I decided that I'll wait for a warmer day...or maybe tomorrow. However, I can say that I got my fishing line wet on the opening day of fishing here at The Lake.
Murphyism of the Day
The Eclipse Principle
The longer you travel to view an eclipse, the greater the chance of cloud cover.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.
- Woodrow Wilson
Friday, May 01, 2009
Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Willie
Word of the Day
Prestidigitraytion - The act of quickly trying to remove trash items from a tray on a conveyor belt destined into the great beyond of the cafeteria dishwashing area.
Mr. and Mrs.
Today is my brother and his wife's anniversary! 28 years? My math is always a bit fuzzy but my heart wishes you have a wonderful day....and night.
There's always something to do here at The Lake...especially during the first few weeks after we arrive back here in the spring. After breakfast I loaded up the boxes of wine that I brought from Arizona (Arizona Wine) and delivered one box to my folks and two plus boxes to my sister. Then, Sis and I loaded my car up with boxes of wine bottles that she's been collecting all winter from friends and family. All de-labeled, clean and ready to be filled with our Wisconsin wines. We'll work on bottling our Mulligan Berry wine next week some time. We also plan to start a batch of wine using some grapes that my brother harvested from his vines last fall. Sis froze them because we didn't have time to work on another wine project before I had to head back to Arizona for the winter.
After loading up my car with boxes of empty bottles and wine-making supplies, we righted the rowboat that HTP and I plan to use this summer, found the oars and the anchor and prepped it so Sis' husband can tow it across the lake to our docking area later today...tomorrow? Whenever he gets around to it.
Then...I drove into town to pick up the mail and buy some fertilizer for my blueberry bushes before I returned home to unload all the wine-making supplies and boxes of bottles. Of course, I couldn't just leave them sitting out in the hallway so I hauled them all down to our basement/wine cellar, sorted out the bottles by size and organized them into boxes that didn't take up so much space. We'll be using some of them when we bottle the Mulligan Berry wine but the rest of them won't be needed until fall.
By this time I was totally worn out from all the stair-stepping. Lunch. But...I couldn't just sit around when I still hadn't put up my windchimes. However, Gypsy wanted to go outside so I figured that while she was doing her thing, I'd fertilize the blueberry bushes. Done...until I have to fertilize them again after they've blossomed and the blossoms have all blown off. Then, of course, Gypsy didn't want to go back inside. She wanted to explore and hike. We didn't go far...just to the logging road and back. I hope that satisfies her for today.
I just go back inside from hanging up the windchimes. More stair-stepping...but this time it was stepladder-stepping. Up and down and up and down. Reach. Reach. I think I've had all the exercise I can use for one day but...I may have to deal with the rowboat as soon as Sis' hubby tows it over here. *moan* You know...I wonder if HTP and I should roll our dock out so it'll be easier to tie up that boat. Maybe we should have thought this out a bit more.
Murphyism of the Day
Kelly's Law of Navigation
The most important information on any map is on the fold.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Exile, for no other motive than ease, would be the last defeat, with no seed of future victory in it.
- Lois McMaster Bujold