My Front Gardens - They don't look like much right now but...Give them some time to wake up a bit. - 05/04/09

My Front Gardens - 06/10/08
Word of the Day
Procrastinatory - Characteristic of procrastination.
We've been home for less than a week but I feel like a total procrastinator. Looking back on the list of things that HTP and I have done since we've arrived, I've decided that my definition of procrastination is a bit flawed. We've been keeping really busy. However, my flower gardens have been reproaching me. They really need to have the leaves raked away and the dead foliage removed. HTP was talking about getting another garden blower/sucker to use. They have them on sale this week at the hardware store in the city but...I've always found that a good rake, a hand clipper, and some careful finger raking work the best.
I sallied forth after breakfast and removed the leaves and the dead foliage from my flower gardens in the front of the house. I ended up with two mountains of leaves and debris. I hauled the mountains off to the woods in batches, using an old quilt I keep in the garage for this purpose. I remember my grandparents used to use this same method. I've always figured that you shouldn't mess with success. I've still got lots more garden beds to work on but I've decided to pace myself. The front beds had priority because I wanted to get the leaves off the peonies, the astilbe, the faux indigo, dwarf daylilies and the sedum before they got too big and the raking might damage the new growth. I also uncovered my icicle violas so they'll have a chance to seed themselves and spread. I noted some of them are already blossoming. The daffodils look like they'll be blossoming soon. My tulips are late bloomers and my lilies won't blossom until summer.
I need to encourage Sis and my Mom to come and get some of the tame raspberries which have spread into my flower bed. They also should dig out some clumps of dwarf daylilies for themselves...maybe some faux indigo. This is the easiest time of year to divide them.
However, I've done enough outdoor work for right now. I still need to get the bird-feeders out but I may wait to do that until tomorrow. However, maybe I've got enough energy left to dig out at least one clump of winter onions. After I get them all cleaned up, they'll taste great with lunch.
Murphyism of the Day
Jeff's Law of Rental Cars
When buying gas for a rental car, nine times out of ten you will pull up to the wrong side of the gas pump.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.
- Friedrich von Schiller (1759 - 1805)
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