Hummingbirds on my Deck - Picture taken in 2007
Word of the Day
Psychophant - One who attempts to curry favor by flattering influential people, but does so to a psychotic, often violent degree.
2009 Woodtick Count - 10
The new bird-feeder(a seed feeder that I bought this spring to replace the one that the squirrels destroyed last summer)holds eleven pounds of bird seed. Because it holds this much seed, and because it's got some major metal components (squirrels don't eat they?), it is heavy enough that I don't want to take it in each night if I don't have to do so. Also, even though I do have a heavy duty hanger arm attached the house that will take the weight of this feeder, the ring/hook that came with the feeder didn't work well with my hanger arm. So...this morning, when I had to refill the feeder (death to all squirrels),...I dug out an old metal clothes hanger and a pliers and a wire-cutter and fashioned my own ring/hook. It will be a lot easier to take that feeder in each night should it become necessary. So far, we haven't seen any raccoons but should they return to bother my feeder, I will bring that sucker inside each night, regardless of how heavy it is. The main problem wasn't the was the awkwardness of the ring/hook.
I have had to chase a grey squirrel away from that particular feeder twice already(DEATH TO ALL SQUIRRELS!) I'm not sure if there are two grey squirrels or one really persistent grey squirrel with a death wish. Both times the squirrel had to take a flying leap from my balcony. There is no easy way off that particular bird-feeder and unless you can fly. If I'd had a gun...we'd be having squirrel stew tonight. I'm not sure what kind of a marksman I am (I've never owned a gun or shot one), but, at that close a range, there's no way I'd have missed. Heck...if I had a baseball bat....ummmm...I used to have a baseball bat....I wonder where it went? A pipe wrench might work....
I'm going to have to keep track of how much bird seed I purchase during the summer months. So far, I've filled my bird feeders with 20 pounds of bird seed. I had 20 pounds left over from last summer and purchased forty additional pounds when HTP and I got here this spring. It might be more economical to purchase in bulk next spring. However, squirrels and raccoons tend to skew my calculations.
My hummingbirds are back. I've seen three of them so far. So far, they haven't been hitting the hummingbird feeders too hard. I can't say the same for the orioles at the oriole feeder. The orioles are sucking down nectar like it's their only source of sustenance. They're even hitting the hummingbird feeders. After the hummingbirds return in force, they won't allow this thievery. Heck...they'll even chase the orioles away from the oriole feeder. Hummingbirds can be nasty!
I'm glad I didn't get my garden or my Earthboxes planted. It's supposed to get really cold tonight. 27 degrees? I bought some bedding plants yesterday but I haven't finished digging the garden...nor have I prepped the Earthboxes for planting. It's been really windy outside and 43 degrees feels REALLY cold when you factor in the wind chill. I'm not eager to battle the wind and the cold when I won't be able to plant until next week. Just dealing with the bird-feeders this morning was enough to drive me back inside.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number Two
The wrong quarterback is the one that's in there.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Recommend to your children virtue; that alone can make them happy, not gold.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)
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