DD Daughter, Ms. En, and My Mom - April 6, 2009
Word of the Day
Protologism - A newly created word which has not yet gained any wide acceptance. It is a prototype or a hypothetical projection of a new lexical unit before it may become current in writing or speech. This word is self-defining as an example of itself.
2009 Woodtick Count - 7
Just a quick blog to let anyone who happens to read my blog that everything is just fine but with DD Daughter and Ms. En here, and now #1 Son as well, I decided to spend quality time with them while they're here instead of spending quality time with my computer.
We've had family over for a spaghetti dinner. We've driven to the big city where DD Daughter, Ms. En and I indulged in a trip to Barnes & Noble, stopped at a Starbucks for coffee, and then met up with HTP for a late lunch before heading back here to The Lake.
We stopped at Louie's to pick up Italian sausage and cottage bacon and some of their really good jalapeno and cheddar cheese summer sausage.
We went shopping again, but this time in the city, for groceries and assorted necessities. (Ms. En was running out of diapers) We met #1 Son for supper last night at the Sportsman's Bar and Restaurant where we enjoyed their fish, shrimp and chicken buffet. He's visiting now until Sunday.
I bailed out the boat and had to dispose of a really yucky dead squirrel out by the dock. I think one of the eagles must have "lost" it after catching it. Gypsy found it and I disposed of it...quickly. I didn't want Ms. En to see it or Gypsy to decide to munch on it. Ewwww!!!!!
Today? Breakfast. Brats on the grill for lunch if it doesn't rain. #1 Son promised to haul my Earthboxes out onto the deck. I filled and hung out the new bird-feeder that I bought.
We're all heading to the big city tomorrow for a Mother's Day Brunch with HTP's folks. DD Daughter and Ms. En will be staying in the big city overnight before heading back to her home. #1 Son will be heading on home to his place and back to work on Monday. HTP and I (and Gypsy)will be returning to The Lake...and because I probably won't have time to blog tomorrow...and maybe even Monday since I've got a lot of catching up To Do things on my To Do List....
Mother's Day
Murphyism of the Day
Moser's Law of Sectator Sports
Exciting plays occur only while you are watching the scoreboard or out buying a hot dog.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is a fine thing to establish one's own religion in one's heart, not to be dependent on tradition and second-hand ideals. Life will seem to you, later, not a lesser, but a greater thing.
- D. H. Lawrence (1885 - 1930)
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