My Raised Bed Gardens - Picture taken after tilling, Spring 2008
Word of the Day
Pseudopose - To fake a supposition in lieu of actual knowledge. Also, a random guess for which the purpose is to make the speaker sound more intelligent.
2009 Woodtick Count - 10
All it takes is some time spent working in the garden and the woodtick count goes up. I even took a tick off Gypsy, but, I'm pretty sure it was heading in my direction. Gypsy has been Frontlined. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there really should be a Frontline for humans. However, please note, I don't include any Gypsy woodticks when it comes to the official Woodtick Count. Nor do I count any of the ones that HTP may have found crawling or embedded on himself. I'm only counting the ones that I've had to remove (crawling or embedded) on my own person.
Oh well...I got four of my raised bed gardens spaded. I still have three more to go but those won't be so difficult. The four I spaded yesterday were filled with wild raspberry plants. Wild raspberry bushes have a root system that makes it impossible to roto-till the garden before removing said roots. These came up from the roots of some wild raspberries that are growing outside the garden fence. Last year I made the mistake of letting HTP roto-till the gardens before I spaded them and the roto-tiller really hated and choked on the roots. HTP wasn't too happy either. I'm going to use some weed/brush-killer on the wild raspberries that are on the outside of my garden fence. Hopefully, this will take care of any future problems. Why I didn't think of doing this last year, I have no idea.
I still have to prep my Earthboxes and the flower boxes on my deck for planting. I have those three remaining raised bed gardens to prep. I have to remove leaves from the rest of the gardens around the house and trim the old canes from the tame raspberries. I've got to transplant the irises. Lots to do on my To Do List. Outdoor things. Woodtick things.
However, I think I'll try to give my back a rest today. When one puts one's back into a project, that back tends to hurt a bit. My back hurts a bit and I don't want to push it. I can deal with a bit of back pain, but, I'd rather avoid total, can't do anything else, can't think about anything else, back pain.
HTP mentioned something about going into the city to get the oil changed on the Gator. Maybe I'll talk him into taking me to a movie. Angels&Demons is showing at the local movie theatre in the city.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number One
Nothing is ever so bad it can't be made worse by firing the coach.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
- J. K. Rowling
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