And My Daffodils are Still Blooming - May 19, 2009
Word of the Day
Pulpid - A kid who enjoys the carton more than the item that came in it.
2009 Woodtick Count - 20
My seeds came, my seeds came! They got here a full day before I was expecting them to come from Burpee! Woot!!!!! I planted my radish and lettuce seed this morning after breakfast...and after starting the laundry. This was leftover seed from last year. Hey! It'll work. However, I decided to buy new seed for the beans and zucchini...and then...I got sucked into buying some of this new type of pea called Survivor. I was intrigues because they claimed that it doesn't have any leaves and it doesn't need much...if any...support. I think it's also supposed to survive longer into the summer heat. We'll see. I can always plant a second crop of beans...or maybe more lettuce. Anyway, the seed got here around 4 PM so I ran right out and finished planting my raised bed gardens.
I'm almost done with my vegetable gardening activities...for the time being. I still need to finish fertilizing the raised bed gardens. I started but...I ran out of the time release fertilizer. HTP promised to buy me some of the special fertilizer for my Earthboxes because I ran out of that too. I was able to plant four of my six Earthboxes last night after the wind died down. The remaining two Earthboxes will have to wait until...tonight? Well...maybe tomorrow. I have fish to clean.
Yes, I finally caught a couple of fish! Only two but I was just fishing off our dock and...one was a nice crappie and the other was a nice smallmouth bass. Plenty of fish to clean and enjoy for supper tonight. It's just HTP and me. I was tempted to hop into the boat and continue fishing but...laundry duties called. Plus, I didn't want to miss the UPS guy.
I hope we get some rain tonight. They promised us rain. If we don't get some tonight or if we fail to get some rain tomorrow...I'll have to set up the sprinkler for the raised bed gardens. Dry seeds in dry soil will not germinate.
Murphyism of the Day
Jim Murray's Rules of the Arena - Number Five
Whatever can go to New York, will.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The act of nutrition is not a purely physiological event... The family meal is a formality that cultivates in us... a capacity for sharing, generosity, thoughtfulness, a talent for civilized conversation.
- Francine Du Plessix Gray
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