It's an Aerocraft
Word of the Day
Prettiful - Describing someone or something that is so pretty, it is beautiful.
Since Sis' hubby agreed to tow my grandpa's old rowboat over to our dock area, HTP and I thought it would be a good idea to get the dock out...at least partially. Add that to the rest of the stuff that I did yesterday and my knee decided enough was enough. Thankfully, when Sis' hubby got here, he brought along a friend of his and his son (Nephew C.). They helped us with the dock and now we're good to go for the summer.
Grandpa's old boat (my "new" boat) is an Aerocraft aluminum fishing boat. HTP and I have been doing some research but haven't found the exact same boat online. I measured it as 14-foot (measuring from the bow to the transom) but...I think it's longer than that if you measure it along the curve of the boat. It's wider than any of the specifications from the brochures online. The company that makes this boat no longer exists. My Mom tells me that my grandparents bought this boat and another just like it, used, from the woman who used to own The Lake...which makes me think that the boat was probably manufactured in the 1950's. She told me that she thinks the boats were some used by the people who would come to the island (Stout Island). The boat is water-tight and in perfect shape despite the years that it's been stored outdoors...just up-ended and pulled up onto dry land by the shore. It will work perfectly for me.
I went out fishing for a really short time this morning. Despite the sunshine, the wind was blowing and the 47 degree temperature felt...COLD. Gypsy kept looking at me reproachfully. With nary a bite or nibble, I decided that I'll wait for a warmer day...or maybe tomorrow. However, I can say that I got my fishing line wet on the opening day of fishing here at The Lake.
Murphyism of the Day
The Eclipse Principle
The longer you travel to view an eclipse, the greater the chance of cloud cover.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.
- Woodrow Wilson
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