Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Word of the Day
Quash Squash - The act of walking on the outer sides of one's feet to dampen the squishing sound of squeaky tennis shoes.
2009 Woodtick Count - 28
Row, row, row your boat.... I decided to take the boat out after breakfast. I caught on crappie. For all my efforts, I caught one crappie?! Oh well...good exercise...right? Right?! I'm going to blame the sun. It was just too sunny. Maybe I'll try again later tonight. Maybe.
The weather is/has been...changeable. Yesterday? Cold. Today? Hot. (89 degrees out on my deck.) Yesterday? Jeans, long-sleeved shirt and a sweatshirt. Today? By lunch time, I was in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Yesterday? A fire in the fireplace. Today? I using the ceiling fans...but I'm not ready to test out the air-conditioning.
We still need rain. Lots of rain. June is supposed to be our rainiest month. So far, we've had less than an inch of rain during this month of May (according to my digital rain gauge) and I'm not seeing any clouds on the horizon. Come on June! We need some rain. On the other hand...maybe that's why I'm not seeing so many woodticks?
Murphyism of the Day
Lefty Gomez's Law
If you don't throw it, they can't hit it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
For three days after death hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off.
- Johnny Carson (1925 - 2005)
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