Sis Decided to Stay Home TodayWord of the Day
Scadink - The annoying build-up of ink on the end of a ball-point pen.How did I spend my day? Let me count the ways.
I got up later than normal which put me in a totally crappy mood because I never got my alone time. I need my alone time. I need the total peace and quiet for that single cherished hour before HTP gets up and I need to make breakfast. Have you ever noticed how much your spouse talks when you haven't had time to enjoy your alone time? I was totally awed and amazed. Plus, my whole schedule was screwed up after that.
I hate having my routine messed with....even if it is my own fault. I didn't even get Gypsy's food heated up before HTP was asking, "Are we ready for breakfast?" Crap! I hadn't even had a chance to take my first sip of tea! Now I've got to make breakfast and I haven't even fed the dog yet? Total crappy start of the day. it off, HTP is getting on my last nerve and he can't figure out why. Why? He got up too early and I got up too late. That's why. That's all it takes. That doesn't say much about me and my sweet perfection's a news flash...I'm not perfect.
OK. That was One. Number Two. I washed my hair and styled it (after breakfast and after I watered the plants on the deck) because...well...I needed to wash my hair and you can't just wash your hair and not style it unless you're going to cover it up with a scarf or a hat and since I planned to spend the day with my folks in the city...I wasn't going to wear a scarf or a hat.
Number Three. I dropped off some jelly and a hunk of sausage at Sis' place. Sis wanted to try the currant jelly and the raspberry jelly that I'd made on Monday. She also wanted to try out the meat slicer that she and her daughter-in-law purchased at the thrift store. It works...but I get ahead of myself.
Number Four. Four kinda morphed into Four and Five and Six. I picked up my folks to take them into the city. Dad had to stop and get his hearing aide fixed and he had an eye appointment. However, I needed to stop to return something at Walmart. Then...we decided, since it was only 1 PM at this point, and Dad's appointments weren't until 3 PM, that we might not want to go shopping for ice cream until after the appointments. At this point, we decided to check out a "Catered" age-restricted housing development that my Mom had read about in the local Early Bird. Actually, it was a very nice facility. Really nice. And, by the time we finished taking the grand tour it was time to hustle off to the clinic.
At the clinic, I managed to read Lady's Home Journal, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping (there was a terrific article about trying really hard not to complain so you don't add negativity to the world. The author decided that complaining was better than the alternative...insanity), AND a bit of the Reader's Digest. I don't normally find the time to read these magazines but I wasn't interested in the other magazines in the waiting room and I'd forgotten to bring along any of my own reading material...or a Sudoku. Thankfully, Dad's eye-sight is just fine....other than the drops and dyes that they put into his eyes to verify this fact. They fixed his old hearing aides and...I'm not sure when they'll have his new hearing aides fixed. Next week?
On to Number 7. Shopping. Oops! No, Number 7 was a short stop at the bank. Number 8. Shopping. I got my grocery shopping done. Mom and Dad did their shopping. And...just as we were getting to my folks' starts to rain....and than my cell phone starts to ring. Sis. She wanted me to stop at her place on our way home to pick up the sausage that she'd successfully sliced (see paragraph two). Mind you, it only started to really rain while we were unloading my folks' purchases from the car and loading up stuff that they wanted me to bring down to Sis' place. Oh, and it continued to rain while I brought that stuff into Sis' house and while I retrieved my sliced sausage. And now, I'm not sure if I thanked Sis or not because I was getting pretty tired by this time...and really...I should have eaten lunch before I started...Paragraph Two.
Nine? Of course, it stopped raining. Really, it never rains when you want it to rain and it always rains when you don't want it to rain. Murphy's Law. Why did I bother to wash my hair? Nine? Supper. Hamburgers. I cooked them on top of the stove because I knew it would rain if I decided to take them outside on the deck to grill them.
Ten? Time for a glass of Merlot. Oh...and you notice that I took the time to blog. Time to put my feet up and let Gypsy lick my toes.
Murphyism of the Day
Old Grey Frog's Thoughts About RainIt never rains when you want it to rain and it always rains when you don't want it to rain.
Noteworthy Quote of the DayOne man that has a mind and knows it can always beat ten men who haven't and don't.
- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)