Picking Berries - 2007 (A few more grey hairs but the hat cover them...so why take another picture?)
Word of the Day
Salbaktry - The practice of saluting to make a person salute back. Often taken advantage of by persons in the military; similar to bowbaktry.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 41
I haven't seen the wolf but...I found signs that he/she is still around. Scat, where it wasn't last night and was this morning. Gypsy is just going to have to get used to leash walks after dark or any time she wants to head up the driveway to do her thing. She's the one that found the scat this morning. She was also VERY interested in several areas along the side of the road where I'm sure the wolf marked its territory in.....a different manner.
Even though we're supposed to get some rain tonight....sprinkler dancing continues. We REALLY need the rain. I've almost got enough early raspberries to make one batch of jam. I'll probably make some rhubarb jam at the same time. Tomorrow? Sis and I also have to find some time to work on our wine projects.
Murphyism of the Day
McCandlish's Law of Unjust Bureaucracy
Any system of justice in which ignorance of the law is no exception, but in which there are too many laws for any one person to know and remember, is by definition unjust.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Man is the only animal that laughs and has a state legislature.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
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