My Tomatoes Need Support
Staking the Tomatoes - July 15, 2009
Word of the Day
Rotatemate - The round swiveling tray used for storing household food items, often in holding condiments on your table. Another term for a Lazy Susan.
My tea arrived. Of the five different types, I hate one (Earl Grey)because is was incredibly bitter. I've had Earl Grey before and it was fine but this loose leaf stuff was awful. The Lapsang Souchong isn't bitter but it has a distinct smoky flavor which I'm not sure that I like. The Ginseng Oolong is very good. My favorite is the Red Robe and I think I'll prefer the Blueberry Black tea iced. In honor of my new tea habit, I bought myself a tea ball and an actual teapot. I noted that all the teas seem to ask you to use quite a bit of tea per cup, as well as brewing for lots longer than I'd normally brew a cup or pot of tea. In addition, all the teas from China warn that you need to rinse the tea before brewing. Ewwww!!!! Why? Maybe I don't want to know.
I'm back to sprinkler dancing. We received a grand total of 0.06 inches of rain last night. The promising storm vanished when it hit the Minnesota/Wisconsin border. WE NEED RAIN!!!!
However, I have been watering my deck gardens on a daily basis and my tomato plants have grown over a foot beyond their growing rings. When one of the branches threatened to topple over the top of the ring and choke itself to death, I decided that it was time to buy some six-foot stakes to augment and stabilize. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any stakes in our tiny little town...however, having said that, I'm always amazed at how much I can find at the little hardware store in town. So...I decided to harvest some poplar saplings to use as stakes. Gypsy thought I'd gone crazy. She "knocked" on the door and made HTP bring her inside...away from the crazy lady. I toppled and stripped nine saplings. Unfortunately, it appears that I needed twelve. Oh well...tomorrow. I staked the most vulnerable of the tomato plants. I've got a bit more time before I have to worry about staking the three remaining plants. They've only just reached the top of their current supports. So sign of blight or wilt. I am furiously knocking on wood as I write this.
Murphyism of the Day
Judge Fanin's Law
Liability follows damages.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.
- Mark Twain
1 comment:
What good use for poplar. Now I'm inspired to cut mine down. I've been eyeing them but haven't had time to do anything aboutnthem. Too much time in the library getting ready for open house.
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