Word of the Day
Rippleshot - The ripple marks left on one's skin, usually the face, after waking up from sleeping on wrinkled sheets or pillowcase. Can also come from sleeping on one's watch or anything else that will leave an imprint.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 40
In the News? Michael Jackson's memorial service. Actually, I think it was a fitting way to say goodbye. A three-ringed media circus. Michael Jackson did love the circus. I couldn't watch the entire thing. Sharpton tends to make me gag...and after all...I'm still recovering.
Making up for the time I lost the other day while lolling around on my death bed, I'm trying to get caught up on all the stuff that I should have done as well as trying to keep up with all the stuff that is on the current work log. Doing the laundry was on the agenda for today. I'm still working on that. Watering the container gardens is a daily task. I took care of that before breakfast. I really wish I had some sort of drip system rigged up with a timer but one does what one can. However, I did get the blueberries covered with netting and I picked the ripe currants. Since I only ended up with 4 cups of currants, I don't have enough to make jelly. So, I froze them and will probably add them to some blackberries for some blackberry/currant jelly later in the season. There still are currants out there getting ripe but I'm thinking of adding those and the black currants to the gooseberries when Sis and I make our Gooseberry Wine. Next week? In the meantime, I did some weeding in the front flower beds and found that some bug is nibbling away at all my violas! *sigh* It's a good thing that they're fairly prolific. I don't think I'll need to spray for bugs/worms, but, WOW!, whatever it is munched exclusively on the violas and left the weeds alone. Doesn't seem fair.
My sprinkler dance continued today. I wasn't going to water the lawn but...what the heck! It's just a matter of remembering to the set the timer and move the sprinkler. Besides, one of my sprinklers is a little lawn tracker that moves on its own. Love it! Well...sometimes it leaps the track and gets a bit lost but for the most part it saves me a lot of dancing.
I need to pick lettuce! If it isn't too wilty, I'll work on that project next....after I check on the laundry and finish this blog.
Murphyism of the Day
Rooney's Rule
Nothing in fine print is ever good news.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We are all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can.
- Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)
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