Deck Gardens - July 2009
Word of the Day
Sacrelicious - 1. A statement describing something that tastes delightful, yet it is sacrilegious. 2. To go against one's relicious way of life; to devote oneself to the destruction of historical evidence.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 41
Though I haven't had any repeat sightings of our wolf, I've been keeping a tight leash on Gypsy...metaphorically speaking, and after dark, literally. HTP and I read a website which cautions against allowing your dog out to do its thing after dark (if you suspect that you've got wolves in your area)unless you have them on a leash (and someone is holding said leash) . In Wisconsin, several hunting dogs have been attacked and killed as well as one dachshund. I'm hoping that this one lone wolf was just passing through on its way to different territory. Right now the law values the life of the wolf over that of a pet.
I've been picking my tame raspberries on a daily basis. It's a battle between me, the birds, and the critters when it comes to who's going to get out there to pick the choicest berries. I'm coming in a close third...last. However, there is enough berries out there right now to share...because I've been watering the plants.
We haven't had nearly enough rain this year. The sprinkler dancing continues. Again, I'm concentrating on getting water to my fruit-bearing and edible plants...that includes the vegetable garden and the deck gardens. Speaking of deck gardens, a grey squirrel picked one of my hot cherry peppers and tried to eat it. I hope he burned his little paws and tongue off. Stupid critter! I suspect that he'll be after my tomatoes next. Maybe I should move my traps to the deck for a while.
Murphyism of the Day
Andrew Young's Rule
Nothing is illegal if a hundred businessmen decide to do it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide.
- Marva Collins
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