OK...that was me a couple of years ago. Photoshop in some grey hair and that was me cleaning berries yesterday.
Word of the Day
Sarchasm - The abyss between the creator of witticisms and the intended recipient who does not find the humor in it.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 42
Well...dern it! I forgot to blog again. By the time I remembered, I was making pizza for supper and then it all slipped out of my mind again until this morning. Still...my track record for blogging may not be perfect...at least I feel guilty about it.
Nothing too unusual happened, other than HTP and I saw a family of wild turkeys tumble out of the woods and onto our driveway. They all trotted up the driveway...taking the approximate same path as the one the wolf took the other day.
I took a short hike up the road yesterday afternoon and picked as many wild cherries as I could reach. Unfortunately, the tree with the most cherries was also the tree that was REALLY tall. I didn't think it was worth the effort to drag a ladder with me on my hike. I'm still not sure what I'll do with these wild cherries. Maybe Sis and I will add them to our collection of freezer fruit for our end of season Mulligan Berry Wine....if we make it. We may hold off and make that one of our first wines next spring.
It's a rainy day today. I'm going to spend my time making jam and jelly today. I want to clear out some of the frozen fruit from my freezer.
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Second Law of Defense Attorneys
the juror you fought hardest to retain will be the one hold-out for conviction.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The older I get, the more I feel
almost beautiful...
- Sharon Olds
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