Word of the Day
Rignition - The embarrassing action of trying to start one's car with the engine already running.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 40
I honestly have an excuse for not blogging yesterday. I did blog on the 4th but....blogger decided....never mind. I don't understand it myself so... Anyway, I was so sick yesterday, that I didn't blog. Somehow, I'm not sure how, everyone except HTP ended up with a case of food poisoning....either that...or we all ended up with the flu on the same day. I think it was the corn bread. I can't be exactly sure but that's the only thing I served that HTP didn't sample. To be on the safe side, I'm throwing out all the food that I served on the night of the 4th. *shudder* Throwing out is preferable to throwing up. At this point, BBQ ribs doesn't sound all that great and it just isn't worth another bout of what I had yesterday. Needless to say, the only person that had any breakfast yesterday was HTP. I limited myself to sips of water and ice chips for the entire day. #1 Son ended up with some tea and crackers...in the afternoon. I think his friend had some soup. HTP told me that they were both feeling lots better than me by the time they headed on home. Me? Not so much. I only got up out of my death bed for a brief time to water the plants that were drooping on my deck...Hey! They looked sicker than I was feeling and I thought getting up for a while would help...it didn't.
I am feeling a better today but I've been limiting myself to crackers, salted pretzels and tea. However, it is encouraging to note that I'm feeling better and my stomach is rumbling...in a good way this time. In other words, I'm hungry. But, I'm still sticking to tea and crackers.
We need rain. The plants on my deck need watering on a daily basis. I've been doing the sprinkler dance (which is about all I can do today). I still have two more zones to water before it gets dark. I'm limiting my dance to the vegetable garden, Blueberry Hill, currant bushes, the rhubarb, and the raspberry bushes. I removed all the dead blooms from my peonies this morning but I still haven't covered the blueberry bushes and it looks like some of the currants should be harvested. *sigh* Tomorrow?
Murphyism of the Day
Green's Rule
What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940)
1 comment:
May not have been the food. Other people are reporting vomits etc
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