Word of the Day
Ronnie - While exiting a canoe, when one foot is on the land or dock and the other leg is in the canoe, and both surfaces spread away from each other resulting in the person falling into the water.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 41
Sis and I started a large batch of Prickly Gooseberry Wine. We decided to try a new method of extracting the juice from the fruit. A special steam-juicer. It REALLY worked. However, it did take three plus hours. On the other hand, Sis and I were able to enjoy a movie on DVD while we waited. Transformers. Sis hadn't seen it before. This was my third time?...but that's OK. I like the movie and didn't mind seeing it again.
So...we ended up with a gallon of juice from ten quarts of berries. After adding water and sugar...we ended up with close to five gallons of "wine". Last year, we only netted 4 gallons of wine for the same quantity of fruit. Of course, what I have sitting in my living room right now, isn't wine yet. I haven't even added the yeast. Until I do...all we have is fruit juice....and then...it's going to have to perform the magic wine thing before we'll have actual wine. Science, time and a bit of magic and then Sis and I will be bottling our 2009 Summer Wine.
Murphyism of the Day
Lucas's Law of Negotiation
A negotiation shall be considered successful if all parties walk away feeling screwed.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is a sadness of growing older that we lose our ardent appreciation of what is new and different and difficult.
- Elizabeth Aston
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