Bird Feeder Raider Still at Large - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Comatext - Text that pleases the person who wrote it, but puts the reader into a coma.
I went berry picking this morning before breakfast. I've never seen so many mummified berries in my life. I mentioned that we'd have a bumper berry crop this year if we got some rain. We didn't get any rain. The berries are ripe but it was like picking raisins on the vine...not that I've ever actually picked raisins on the vine but if I had... The wasps are busy sucking whatever moisture they can out of any berry that may at one time have had any. I've never seen it so dry up here at The Lake. I did manage to get a couple of quarts of blackberries but I'm not sure it was worth the effort.
I'm having to water my Earthboxes on a daily basis now. I have a timer which I can hook up to my hosebib but I haven't figured out how to rig it to the Earthboxes as yet. I'll have to see what I have out in the garage. I think I should have a bit more hose out there somewhere. My windowboxes on the deck were almost screaming for water today and my vegetable garden which I watered two days ago is dust dry. I guess I'll have to hook a timer onto that hosebib too. We don't have water restrictions here at The Lake since we have our own well.
In the meantime, I'm watering the lawn every other day. I hope it's enough to keep the grass alive but I'm not going to curl up and die if the grass goes brown on me. Grass goes brown here in Wisconsin in the summer. It'll come back just fine next spring. As I was dragging around the hose for my sprinkler dance yesterday, I almost tripped on a ground wasp nest. Angry wasps swarmed out of that little hole like something in a B horror flick. Attack of the Killer Bees. Thankfully, I ducked out of there before I got stung. However, I did have to laugh as the angry wasps attacked my tractor sprinkler over and over again. It was a useless attack as the tractor sprinkler chugged slowly and resolutely over their nest. Last night I went back outside with some Raid spray...after the wasps were a bit less active for the night. I haven't seen any activity today in the ground wasp hive. I hate wasps! I hate sneaky ground wasps more! HTP pointed out that the guy that mows our lawn didn't mention the nest when he came. I wonder if he got stung or if his riding lawn mower protected him?
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Second Law of Food
If it isn't bad for you, you can't afford it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Language is the source of misunderstandings. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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