Night Frog - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Comatoasty - Describing something in a lethargic or unconscious state of mind brought on by an large amounts of warmth. Often, this state is intensified by the use of blankets or by enjoying a large fire.
Nothing new to report. MC Daughter and D Buddy loaded more of their stuff from my basement into their truck and headed back to The Big City. Me? I should have watered the lawn and the garden again. I won $5 from MC Daughter because she bet me that it was going to rain. It didn't. I'd rather have not won that $5. Tomorrow it's back to dancing with sprinklers as soon as I can get myself moving.
I made another gallon of hummingbird nectar tonight. Two of my feeders need to be filled...again. Swarms of hummingbirds have been buzzing my deck and draining my hummingbird feeders. They're even chasing away the other kinds of birds whose only sin is to want to eat from the seed feeders. Hummingbirds can be mean. I think a couple of them were trying to scare me off the deck when I grilled burgers tonight. I may be driven from my deck by wasps and bees and the occasional attack from mosquitoes but until hummingbirds decide to drink human blood, they just aren't going to scare me off my deck. I find their antics endlessly fascinating.
My only other activities of the day were to chase a toad off my driveway before Muggsy would decide to eat it and get sick...and I had to speak sharply to her when she decided to check out a tree frog that was sitting by my front step. Don't ask me why I seem to get nightly visits from tree frogs...I have no concrete idea. MC Daughter thinks it might be because of my frog collections. I'm more of the opinion that they're after the moths that are attracted to our lights. Even though tree frogs aren't poisonous like toads, I refuse to let my dog eat them. Ewwww!!!!!
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Fourth Law of Food
Every recipe includes one ingredient that you do not have in your kitchen.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Shared laughter creates a bond of friendships. When people laugh together, they cease to be young and old, teacher and pupils, worker and boss. They become a single group of human beings. -- W. Lee Grant
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