Wednesday, August 15, 2007

DD Daughter - June 2007

Word of the Day

Concretenate - To transmute into concrete.

Hey Mikey! HTP liked the Cheesy Eggplant dish that I made for supper last night. I've got two more eggplant that need using. They'll have to wait a bit longer to be used in my next experiment. I've got a roast that's thawed and I'm craving meat. But not tonight... Tonight we're going over to my sister's place for a family get-together. Willie and his family are here for the week. It isn't too often that we have an opportunity to gather as a family. Such opportunities are cherished.

Fruit of the Vine. Sis and I racked our wine experiments today. We combined the two batches of rhubarb wine into one big batch. We added more sugar to the batch of gooseberry wine and decided that next year we're going to try using fully ripe gooseberries....though we both agreed that the gooseberry wine is going to be excellent as is. We also added sugar to the currant wine. We'll leave things as is and rack and bottle at the end of September or the beginning of October.


Just got a call from DD Daughter. I may not be blogging for a bit. HTP and I are waiting for further word but it looks like we might be heading off tomorrow morning to meet our first Grand-daughter.

Murphyism of the Day

Barbara's Law

Never say "wow" with food in your mouth.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

My personal hobbies are reading, listening to music, and silence.

--Edith Sitwell

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