Monday, August 27, 2007

Me and Mom Cleaning Fish at The Lake - Summer 2007

Word of the Day

Conversate - To make conversation. An uncommon phrase used to suggest the start of a conversation while making others believe one is smarter than they truly are.

Yet again I've changed the world with all the things that I've accomplished in a single day.....NOT! This has been one of those days where I didn't feel like doing anything at all above working on Sudoku puzzles, walking the dog, and basic subsistence tasks. Does this mean that I have nothing on my mental list of things to do? Heck, no! I've got lots of things that need doing on my mental list. I chose to ignore my mental list, sticking my fingers (figuratively) in my ears to muffle the sound of my guilt complex which always seems to want to lecture me. I'll work on my mental list tomorrow. My guilt complex can just shut up for one day.

Murphyism of the Day

Firmage's Rule of Auto Repair

That which is attached with only two bolts is directly behind something attached with eight.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. -- Indira Gandhi

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