Old Grey Frog Caught a Really Big Bass (This is not a picture of it) - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Conflustered - Describing a situation when one is so confused that they get flustered.
I finished up yesterday's laundry this morning. Well....I still have a load of sheets in the dryer but I don't need to make the bed in the guest room immediately. I'm putting off that chore for tomorrow. Lazy me. Instead, I went out to the garden and picked my beans, ripe tomatoes, ripe cucumbers, and ripe zucchini. I've since snipped and cleaned the beans. I'm thinking of serving them with supper tonight but I may end up making zucchini instead. I suppose I'll just have to wait until supper and go with my mood of the moment.
I've been playing with Outlook Office on my computer. I wanted a calendar. It's taking a bit to figure out what is what. I think I've finally managed to enter all the birthdays and anniversaries into my "calendar". I hate learning new things but I also hate forgetting peoples' birthdays and anniversaries so I'm going to try to learn this something new. This something new is already starting to bug me a bit because things that used to work in Outlook Express, don't work so good in Outlook Office and then I have to figure out how to make it work like Outlook Express...or reasonably the same as Outlook Express. I'm a college graduate. I think I can do this. Maybe.
Murphyism of the Day
Humphries's Law of Bicycling
The shortest route has the steepest hills.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Behind every great fortune there is a crime. -- Honore de Balzac
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