The Women Cleaning Fish - Summer 2007
Ummmmm.....What's Willie Doing? - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Corporashun - Any variation on a company or product name created with the intent to mock or shun it.
We got rain! Over an inch. Woohoo! I won't have to do the sprinkler dance before HTP and I go to Laughlin. It looks like we may end up getting more rain today sometime. Our rain last night came with a truly spectacular light and sound display. HTP swears that some tree out in our woods got struck but with so many trees in the forest, he can't actually point out the specific tree. All I could think of was that age old quote, "If a tree falls in the forest and no-one is there to see it, does it make any sound?" All I know is that some of those "sounds" were pretty loud last night. Since HTP just left for the city to do some research at the library...and he hasn't turned around and come back as yet....I figure that our 1/2 mile driveway is clear of fallen trees. We've been lucky this year. No trees over the driveway. I think it's because HTP bought that gas powered chainsaw after we had to hire one of the local farmers to clear off the bunch of trees that fell over our driveway last summer. We now have a "never-been-used" chainsaw. I'm sure there is a Murphyism in this tale somewhere.
As promised, today is my day to clear off things from my mental list of things to do. Added to the list is the pressing need to wash my hair. There's no way that I can get on a plane with my hair making me look like a woman in a Most Wanted poster. Tomorrow? I plan to go into the city to see if I can find something to read while we're in Laughlin.
Murphyism of the Day
Cusak's Observation
The driver's-side windshield wiper always wears out first.
The worst smear is at eye level.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The easiest thing in the world to be is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position.
-- Leo Buscaglia
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