Old Grey on the Logging Road - Summer 2002 (Not much has changed...even the outfit)
Word of the Day
Communification - The beautification of communication. To make communicating effective, pleasurable, and easy.
I promised myself that it was time to crack down, tighten my belt, put my foot down, and crack the whip when it comes to HTP and my diets. *sigh* After two days, I've already fallen off the diet wagon. I'd started out so good too. After a single serving of pancakes for breakfast (150 calories...200 if you count the margarine and sugarfree syrup), I checked the outside temperature and despite the meager amount of rain that we got that I knew would make the logging road just wet enough to make hiking unpleasant, despite the high humidity, I donned my hat, grabbed my berry bucket and hit the trail. I walked to the main highway and then back to the logging road and then followed the logging road to my folks' place. I'm not sure how many miles we're talking about but the hike to the main road is exactly 1/2 mile. The logging road? I have no idea. Two miles? Maybe more? I've never measured it. I have measured our driveway.
I picked what berries that I could find on my hike. The blackberries are still ripening. Some...are just gone. It actually looks like someone picked them. You could see where they were supposed to be but they were just gone. Oh well...I did get about two quarts of blackberries which I laid out on a flat pan after HTP brought me back home. What?! You thought I might have actually hiked back? NO WAY! I'm just happy my knees didn't act up on me.
At least...they didn't act up on me until HTP and I got done shopping. Shopping? HTP picked me up at my folks' place and was planning on taking me directly to the city to do some shopping. Do I need to tell you what I looked like after hiking in wet woods, along an old abandoned logging road for a couple of hours? My jeans were wet all the way up to my knees. Sweat? By the time I reached the 2/3 mark, I stopped calling the stuff that was dripping into my eyes the acceptable and lady-like "glow". Nope...I was sweating. And with the humidity as high as it was, my shirt and all my unmentionables were soaked. My canvas shoes were soaked. If I'd worn my hiking boots, my socks wouldn't have been soaked as well. In short, there was no way that I was going into the city looking like I was looking. HTP brought me back home and I changed...then we went into the city.
Of course, by this time, I was starving! It was around 1:30 PM. I should have insisted that we eat a small lunch before we left to go on our shopping trip. My will-power was low. We stopped and ate broasted chicken wings at Nancy's. Yummy broasted chicken wings....and a broasted potato. I only ate 3 1/2 chicken wings...does that redeem me? I ate the whole broasted potato. OK. I'm not going to eat supper, so maybe things aren't too off track. I'll do better tomorrow. I think I can resist the ice cream that we bought at the store if I drink a whole glass of iced tea. Actually, I'm still full from lunch and bedtime is in two hours.
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Seventh Law of Food
If you don't make a list, you will forget the most important item.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Here's a message to the new borns, waiting to breathe: if you believe then you can achieve. Just look at me, against all odds 'though life is hard, we carry on, livin' in the projects, broke with no lights on. To all the seeds that follow me- protect your essence, born with less, but you still precious. -- Tupac Amaru Shaku
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